
Generous Living

Generous Living!

Generous Living!

This past weekend we had communion in our church services. Communion is traditionally a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice and our need for forgiveness. Each time I partake in communion I focus a lot on confessing my sin. Sometimes I find myself focusing more on my sin than the grace and forgiveness that God offers through Jesus. As I worshiped this past weekend God seemed to refocus my thoughts to his grace. It was not that I dismissed my need for forgiveness but I realized like never before that I have been the recipient of the never ending grace of God. I don’t think that I will ever be able to wrap my arms around the enormity of God’s grace.
God has been so generous with us! Even if we never receive another thing more from his hand we are wealthy because of His grace. Grace is simply “undeserved favor”. What I began to confess at that moment was my tendency to take for granted the wealth of grace that God has continually offered me. I have come to acknowledge that the sin of an ungrateful attitude. Having gratitude for God’s amazing grace and goodness to us will have an impact on our generosity with him and others.
When we begin to get a grip on God’s grace it opens us up to so many areas of growth particularly in the area of generosity. Here’s how it works…
• I am generous with those who have hurt me and more willing to forgive than to hold a grudge.
• I am generous with sinners and offer grace rather than judgment when dealing with others.
• I am generous with obedience by being more intentional in dealing with my sin struggles because God has been so good to me.
• I am generous with money and possessions because I realize that spiritual things are significantly more important.
• I am generous through serving others.
• I surrender everything by opening my heart and hands to God offering him all I have.
I could list so many more areas and hope that these things take root in my life.
What could you add to this list?