Glorious Grace
Now the Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We saw his glory—the glory of the one and only, full of grace and truth, who came from the Father (John 1:14).
Today we gather around tables and sit around Christmas trees to celebrate God’s interjection into our ordinary world. This day is unlike any other on the calendar because 2,000 years ago, the Son did the unbelievable—he put on our flesh. And as the Message reads, “. . . moved into [our] neighborhood."
Who is this God who came to dwell with us? John summarizes his glorious existence in two simple words—grace and truth. These two five-letter expressions are often considered opposing qualities. But in the God-man, they were revealed in perfect harmony.
Together they show us that God is generous and just, abundant and absolute, loving and holy. And that’s exactly why He came. He didn’t speak to us from heaven. He came and showed us and served us in the most unimaginable way.
In order for there to be grace, there must be truth. And every step from the manger to the cross, displayed God’s perfect character—he showed us truth, sacrificing the Son to satisfy his justice and forgive sinners, so he could then shower us with undeserved grace.
So as we celebrate today, let’s not overlook the common graces that reveal our uncommon God. Let’s pray, sing, give, laugh, and marvel, seeing each glimmer of glory as a reminder that God showed us—and continues to show us—his perfect character. Full of grace and truth.