God’s Ears Are Open and His Heart is Enlarged to Us
I bend over the changing table to “converse” with my two month old granddaughter. She watches my eyes, appearing to listen intently, while newly discovered smiles and coos cross her lips. Her arms and legs flail and wiggle in her attempt to respond and tell me what she’s thinking. I smile back and encourage her to “tell” me more. I reassure her I’m listening and I’m so proud of her recent accomplishments. That I want to listen to her stories and cheer on her. That I love her immensely and am so grateful for her presence in the world. Just looking at this precious little person makes me smile and brings…
What’s Love Got To Do With It?
“I always thought Christians were all about love, but I never saw it shown to me until I met you.” My friend said to me. I stood there scrambling for the right response while trying to hold back the tears. Tears came anyway from a heart that was breaking. How is that possible? Surely, before now, someone had displayed Christian love towards this middle-aged friend of mine. I gathered my thoughts and said, “I’m sorry it took this long for you to see how Christians should love people. I know I fail often in showing others the love God has shown me.” It wasn’t just an act of kindness that…
The In-House Holy Spirit
The concept of in-house came to my mind as I was contemplating the Holy Spirit this week. “In-house, or insourcing, is a term used in business to describe the utilization of internal sources rather than outsourcing for activities.”[1] Advantages of in-house as opposed to outsourcing include: less time to understand issues and the way the organization works; better comprehension of the organization’s history and atmosphere; and escalated trust which increases knowledge sharing.[2] Clearly, the Holy Spirit is in-house for every believer (John 14:17; 1 Cor 6:19); yet, His presence and activities are largely ignored.[3] In comparison to a business in-house in the preceding paragraph, the Holy Spirit exhibits the following:…
The Treasure We Give Back
All of us have something we value above all else. Something we can’t live without. Something that gives us a sense of importance or hope. What can we learn from a woman labeled with capital SHAME who relinquished the treasure she was saving?
Why This Workplace
Work can feel like a grind rather than something we would choose. If we had a choice. Full-time workers spend more waking hours each week working than any other activity. But, we can experience peace and purpose in the here and now.
But… God
Mental health has taken center stage because people still struggle in a “not normal” new normal. Our mental dialogue can actually drain us of positive outlook and both mental and physical strength. How do we disempower our insecurities?
Trust in the Lord
The difference between Christianity and all other religions is summed up in the word, relationship! In America, we put the words, “In God we Trust” on every bill that goes into our pocket. By the way we act when there are no dollars in our pocket, I would say we trust more in the dollar than we do in our God. Relationship is built on trust. So how do we teach our children to trust in God? Our children come into this world totally dependent. We believe it is our goal to teach them to become independent adults. What if that goal is not the best one after all? They…
Finish Strong Day-By-Day
The start of your life journey doesn’t define you, and it will forever remain behind you. Our “finish” has yet to be written. Finishing strong begins with one good, God-centric next step. Start here: What do you want your “finish” to look like?
Pray or Play? Agendas Can Be Changed
“Grandma is praying and not playing.” A few weeks ago, those words were shared by our granddaughter to her parents. Being a grandma is so much fun, but sometimes playing is not on the agenda when prayer is necessary. Our granddaughter and her mom and dad had come to our house the evening before my husband’s reverse shoulder replacement surgery. Our son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter wanted to spend some time with us before his surgery. We were enjoying the evening and spending time as a family, until my husband’s phone rang. Our good friends whom we had not talked to in a while learned about my husband’s surgery and called…
Surprised by Christmas
Wide-eyed wonder. Snow-covered trees. Bow-draped packages. It’s the quintessential picture of Christmas portrayed in commercials and on cards. But as adults we know the season is seldom so simplistic. The first Christmas certainly wasn’t. It was marked by surprises—but not necessarily the kind most of us would choose on our own. Mary’s life was interrupted by an angelic visitor, proclaiming news that would forever change the course of her life and her position in history. Joseph found out his fiancé was expecting a child that wasn’t his own, only to be visited by an angel in a dream who explained everything and told him to move forward with their marriage.…