God is Bigger Than Your Problem!
We’ve all heard that statement or one like it. We’ve even heard statements like “God won’t give you anything you can’t handle” or the opposite “God will give you things you can’t handle so that you will rely on Him to get you through.” We’ve even heard Bob, Larry and Jr. Asparagus tell us that God is bigger than the boogie man, He’s bigger than Godzilla and the Monsters on TV” – if you don’t know what I’m talking about then click here and soak in the greatness of Veggie Tales.
If you think about it God really is bigger than the boogie men that scare and intimidate us and He is indeed bigger than the Godzilla-size issues of our lives and the fearful Monsters we hear about on TV.
When we face trials in our lives and we surely will (James 1:1-4), we need to realize that God needs us to go through them in order to produce endurance in our lives. Endurance means lots of things but with God I believe He desires for us to remain committed and patient to his faithfulness and He will get us through whatever we are facing. I think for many, patience is not a trait easily possessed.
Last week I enjoyed a week in Yosemite National Park on a pastor’s retreat and I learned some things that I believe will translate well to this topic:
1) Everything in Yosemite is enormous but for God it was just a single stroke of his brush when he created the Earth. Our enormous problems, pains and sins are not too big for God!
2) Fire is necessary for Yosemite’s growth and reproduction. Though we may not desire fires in our lives we need them for our growth and to help us grow closer to God.
3) Much of Yosemite’s character comes from its deep valleys and high peaks. Much of our character comes from our deep valleys and high peaks. God is consistent!
4) If you stray off the paths in Yosemite you risk getting seriously hurt. I think you know where I’m going here! God’s path always gets us to our destination safely!
5) “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry in our lives” was one of the many statements I took away from the retreat. Hurry is the opposite of patience! Feel free to take this one for yourselves.
All I know is this – God is bigger than your problem and He loves you so much that he is willing to carry you through your problem, bear the burden of your pain and even die for you to take away your sins. He is our Father and we are His kids…He’s got our backs!
By the way God really is bigger than the boogie man, and Godzilla and the monsters on TV. What is there to fear?

Douglas Shank
Thanks Brian. Another example of Romans 1:20 in action – not only "His eternal power and divine nature…clearly perceived…in the things that have been made," but so many lessons on how He interacts with us in His creation as well. Thanks for seeing these parallels and putting them into words for us. Really great illustrations.
Brian Holt
Thanks for the comment – Love me some Romans 1:20!!
Thanks Douglas, It's very interesting that after I wrote this – I got hit by a ton of issues and challenges and God has been so good to calm me. The issues haven't stopped but I'm not worried…in fact I'm accepting the challenges as a great reminder each day to spend more time on my face before the Lord! It's been wonderful!
Thanks for the comment!
Please Help
Indeed He is. I say this out-loud even as tears of helpnessness are running down my face. I know He is bigger than the poverty I am facing, the school fees that haven't been paid for almost 8 months, the rent that's becoming almost double because of all the arrears. I know I don't need to cry because of these things, as Gods' kid, He's got them covered. Can you help me understand why it has gone on for this long?
I'm not doubting HIs ability to change the situation (He already has, through Christ), I just need help accepting that what my children and I are going through is ok in His eyes.
Brian Holt
Thanks for the comment!
I really feel for your situation. I've been there and beyond and I'm not sure how we made it but we did. I just know that even though the Lord seems absent, I know He's not. He's with you and I know you know that. I believe His plans are to get you through this ok. It might be the valley that seems unclimbable but I'm sure there is a trail up to climb out. I hope He reveals that to you even as we speak. As a person who has devoted my life to teaching Children about Christ, I believe you need to continue to tell them 1st that God is not punishing you and them. 2nd you need to tell them that this situation seems long but it's just a season in reality. A dark season perhaps but one that will help define you and those kids and will either draw you closer to him or apart. I encourage you to draw even closer to him and encourage your kids to do the same. Do not let Satan decieve you and lead you to believe that all is hopeless. I believe God is about to help you through this in a great way! I'll pray for you!!!