
God Surprises

I wish that God did not surprise me so much. 
I say this because I think that if I had more faith and a better understanding of who He is then He wouldn’t surprise me so much.  I think if I knew Him better I would not be surprised when He softens a heart, I would not be surprised when He moves, I would not be surprised when He does His God things.

I wish that God did not surprise me so much. 
I say this because I think that if I had more faith and a better understanding of who He is then He wouldn’t surprise me so much.  I think if I knew Him better I would not be surprised when He softens a heart, I would not be surprised when He moves, I would not be surprised when He does His God things.
Maybe God will always surprise us?  When will we ever have so much faith that He does not surprise us?  I don’t know that I would ever want to be at a place where God does not surprise me (do not think it is possible anyway), but there is part of me that wishes it would not happen so often.  I wish that I knew Him like a longtime friend or like my spouse who surprise me less and less as I get to know them because that is just it – I am getting to know them more and more.  I want to know God more and more so that His surprises are fewer and my faith and trust greater. 
My wish takes time, takes discipline, takes diligence and takes an open heart and mind and ears and eyes to feel, understand, hear and see.  It takes me focusing on Him rather than thinking it is all about me.  It takes me seeing others through His eyes rather than my own.  It takes looking for Him to work and expecting Him to work in mysterious ways in the lives of myself and the lives of others.  Why am I surprised when the Holy Spirit is working and moving?  How much faith do I really have?
I love God surprises, they make my day.  The flip side is they also challenge me to realize that my faith and my perspective of God, of humanity and of me is deeply skewed and in need re-calibration.
As you have God surprises, may you embrace them for helping you see more greatly who God is as well as challenge you to grow in your faith and trust in Him.