
God’s Perfect Unfailing Love

Just got back from shopping with my daughter. There in the back of the store, a huge—I mean massive—red, pink and glittery sign directed us to its "lovestacular" section. My daughter and I scoured the area in hopes to find the perfect Valentine. 

Only we didn’t. We found chaos along with chocolate, candy (of every kind), cards, stuffed animals and frustrated moms who waited as their kids picked out gifts for their friends. The disorder proved too much for us, so we left.  
I couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of the "lovestacular" sign. It’s a great picture of the world’s idea of love. It’s messy, disordered, frustrating, over the top, glittery and it takes the form of every kind of human desire for the sole purpose of enticing.
This world’s idea of "lovestacular" love doesn’t compare to God’s love. It doesn’t come close to how God loves us. If you look closer to the world’s standards, you will find what I found at the back of the store, chaos, disorder and cheap stuff! 
So why does God’s love prove perfect and unfailing?
1. It’s the best declaration of love you will ever receive. “He chose us in him before the foundation of the world. . . . In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1:4–5). He declared His love even before our existence.
2. It’s sacrificial so we could live. God’s love meant He died for you. Paul calls this a “great love.” Because of it, God came to us in our deadness of heart, and made us alive. “Because of the great love with which he loved us, God made us alive together with Christ” (Ephesians 2:4–5). God’s great love gave us life and made us alive.
3. His unfailing love will always pursue you. Psalm 23:6 says it the best. “Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life…” He’s in love with you and me!
4. God’s love will never fail. Never. Read Psalm 136. It’s a powerful song praising God for His great acts and His loyal love that endures forever. It never fails!
5. God’s love is unconditional. He chose us with an electing love (Ephesians 1:4–5) and loves us with a regenerating love (1 John 5:1, John 1:13) so He could call us His own. He has declared He will continue to love us no matter what befalls us presently, tomorrow and in the future. He will love us when we die, too. Nothing can change God’s commitment to us (Romans 8:35–39). Nothing.
There’s more! God’s love stays with you always and never leaves you (Deuteronomy 31:8, Hebrews 13:5). It protects you (Psalm 121:7–8). It comforts you (2 Corinthians 1:3–4). It gives you peace (Philippians 4:4–7). It gives you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). It fulfills promises (2 Corinthians 1:20). It nourishes you and you will always feel refreshed in His love (Psalm 23). It strengthens you (Isaiah 41:10). It allows you to love others, extend grace and forgive (1 John 4:7–12, Ephesians 1:7). It makes the impossible, possible (Romans 8:31). 
God’s love is lovestacular! He is love!
We should treasure the love of God with all of our hearts. It’s the ultimate gift, the perfect love. It provides a deep and wonderful foundation—the assurance that our hope "will not disappoint us" (Romans 5:5). This assurance helps us "exult in the hope of the glory of God" (Romans 5:2). And it will carry us through the chaos, destruction and superficial love this world gives.  
“Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).
Happy Valentine’s Day. God loves you!

Raquel Wroten (MAMC, Dallas Theological Seminary) was born in McAllen, Texas but has lived in the Dallas/Fort Worth area most of her life. Raised by a single mother, Raquel grew up knowing the meaning of diversity, creativity, and chaos through her four brothers and three sisters. The greatest gift she ever received came from her mother who taught her that living as a believer doesn’t mean perfection, it means grace. Raquel met her husband Rick at a church retreat in Oklahoma on a cold November weekend. They dated for a year and got married in June 1992. A couple of years later, Rick graduated with his ThM, and they welcomed Joshua. . .then Abby. . .and surprise, it’s Anna! Intermixing their cultures, the Wrotens have established a variety of traditions along with interesting combinations of food. Raquel believes that ministry begins at home so she finds new ways of serving those she calls her own. Raquel serves as editor of DTS Magazine and enjoys writing (in English, Spanish and Spanglish), cooking, coffee, education and serving up a feast for her friends and family.