
Hiking the Tour du Mont Blanc

This summer my husband and I hiked one of the best and most famous trails in Europe—Tour du Mont Blanc. It was around 100 miles and took us 10 days. We prepared for months by reading, gathering gear, examining the itinerary, and praying. This hike was different than any other long trek we have gone on as we went with a company that provided a guide and secured our hut-to hut accommodations. This hike reminded me of so many realities of our journey with Jesus that I reflect on in the following paragraphs.

Several months before our hike, the company sent us a day-by-day itinerary. It included what cities/countries we would be in, where we would stay, miles we would hike, elevation gains and losses. This itinerary gave us the big picture. The details of the hike would be discovered as we hiked. That is like life with Jesus. He gives us some direction but the details are discovered as we walk in obedience to Him! Details that make us depend on Him and details that joyfully surprise us awaits us.     

Though my husband and I have hiked for many years in a variety of places, our guide taught us some new techniques that we needed for the type of terrain we were covering. We learned how to come down a steep snowy mountain (our guide actually made footprints in the snow for me to walk in!) and how to traverse a snowy mountain. Likewise, when we come to new circumstances in life, Jesus goes before us and makes a way for us as my guide did for me. We learn how to navigate the new circumstances as Jesus guides and enables.   

Our guide had other tips that proved to be beneficial—keep your boots tight to avoid blisters, step flat footed on steep inclines to avoid slipping, travel across the pointed part of rocks in rivers to avoid getting wet, and when crossing a river on rocks make a path decision and go. These were general hiking tips that could be used on any trail. In life, some general tips help us go through life—pray, keep in His Word, memorize scripture (Isaiah 41:10 and Habakuk 3:19 were great ones to focus on as I hiked!), trust God, express gratefulness to God and others. These tips keep our focus on God throughout life no matter what the circumstance.

There were a few things that we were told about in our itinerary that we did not comprehend until we were hiking. A 3000 feet ascent and descent feel a lot different when you are doing it step by step than when you read it on paper! A night in a refuge (we call them hostels) sleeping on a mattress 4 inches away from a stranger was an unexpected sleeping arrangement. Similarly, we may know that in life (a move, new job, babies, health issues) changes will happen but what actually happens is not known to us. I am grateful that God gives us the courage, strength, and empowerment to go through these changes in a way that honors Him. Not knowing what is around the corner is a blessing as God gives the grace to go through it when we need it and not before!

However, there were pleasant surprises on the trek that were wonderful. We hiked by herds of dairy cattle with large bells around their neck and several flocks of sheep guarded by Pyrenees. The occasional encounters with wildlife included shy marmots, friendly chamois, and rare ibex. The mountain flowers were at their peak, the alpine meadows were dotted with wild flower bouquets, the snowcapped mountains were grand to view, the many places to get a snack (hot chocolate, coffee, cake, crepes!) out in the countryside were welcomed treats. The delicious food at the hotels (one had a Michelin chef!) were the best I’ve ever eaten on a hike. God has all kinds of surprises for us in life that bring us great joy! They are so unexpected and welcomed. We need to notice them and give Him thanks.  

One of the biggest surprises I had was seeing Mont Blanc—the highest mountain in Europe—up close. The sun shining on its snowcapped peak highlighted a magnificent sight and took my breath away! But as quick as I awed the magnificent peak up close, I was reminded that God created this magnificent mountain that people adore! The sight of this creation of God made me weep and think of Isaiah 6:1-8 where the angelic beings are worshipping the majestic God. In these verses I revisited God’s grace to forgive me and His call to go forth for His purposes. I found myself whispering Isaiah’s words “Here I am! Send Me!” I had a renewed sense of desire to go and do whatever God had for me.

My hike of the Tour du Mont Blanc was a physically challenging but edifying trip. However, God used it to draw me closer to Him as I noticed what He was doing and depended on Him. What things in your life is God bringing to reveal more of Himself to you? What details in your life have made you depend on Him? What unexpected joys has He brought your way? He uses right where we are to reveal more of who He is so that we can know, love, and serve Him in deeper ways. Enjoy the journey God has you on depending and trusting in Him! 

PJ Beets is passionate about encouraging women and children through the Scriptures and life to see the compassionate God who redeems the rejected by acceptance, the silenced by expression, the labored by grace, and the lonely by love in order to set them free to serve in His ordained place and way for them individually and corporately. She has served the Lord through Bible Study Fellowship and her home church in various capacities with women and children. Upon turning fifty, she sought the Lord on how He would have her finish well which began her journey at Dallas Theological Seminary. She has a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies as well as a Doctor of Educational Ministry in Spiritual Formation, both from from DTS. PJ is married to Tom, has three children, and six grandchildren.

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