Impact, Calling, Serving…”Do You Know Your Destiny?”
“Thank you for teaching my son why we celebrate Christmas. Our family never knew the reason why we celebrated Christmas. We thought it was all about giving gifts and never knew it was because of the birth of Jesus.” Believe it our not, these words were spoken to me in January 1991 by the mother of a three year old in my preschool class.
I was surprised by what she said as she shared from her heart with such sincerity and gratitude. You see, I just assumed when I was teaching the lesson about the birth of Jesus that the ten children in my classroom already knew the story and I was just reinforcing what they already knew. Since this preschool was a private Christian preschool, I thought that all of the children who attended had at least the basic Christian background. Not so…and God taught me several lessons on that day.
First, He taught me to never assume that any child that I encounter knows about Jesus, even if it is in a religious setting.
Second, He taught me to always pray for each child in my class before the day started and ask God to open their hearts to His truth.
Third, He taught me that He loves all the children and that none should perish, but that all need eternal life even at a young age.
Fourth, He taught me to never hold back on what He wants to say through me to the children.
Fifth, He taught me that young children are important to Him and they deserve every opportunity to trust in Jesus.
Sixth, He taught me that young children are ready to hear about Jesus and are very open to what He desires to teach them.
Seventh, He taught me to always listen to the children when they ask questions about God and always answer them in an age appropriate way that they can understand.
Eighth, He taught me that children are precious in His sight.
Ninth, He taught me that He can use a child to bring a whole family into a loving relationship with Him.
Tenth, He called me on that day into full-time Children’s Ministry!!!
Everyone has a destiny that God has created them to fulfill while here on earth. Are you moving towards God’s destiny for your life? Do you know the destiny that God has called you to accomplish while on earth? “Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3
The Lord has your life in the palm of His hands and your destiny is already determined. “For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 Whatever your destiny may be, God will take you down His path and will allow you to accomplish those things that will bring Him the most glory. “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
Are you moving towards your destiny? I am moving as the Lord leads me in mine!!!