
Leadership and Modeling


Leaders recognize that ultimately there is one leader and model. So to be good leaders we are to be humble and show we can also follow.


Leaders recognize that ultimately there is one leader and model. So to be good leaders we are to be humble and show we can also follow.

This can be hard because in our world leadership is often seen as being about power and giving direction. But the Christian leader is to follow where God leads and follow Christ's example. This means knowing God, His will, and being responsive to that leading. It means a kind of mentoring that points the way beyond oneself to the one who is to be followed. It means developing skills of listening and hearing that looks to God for where He is taking things. It means His will, not ours be done. It assumes a fellowship and engagement with God that can take such direction and be responsive to it. The best leaders show they can follow the One who shoudl be followed.

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