More Israel: Jericho and a Firing Range May 29.08
Well, today we visited Jericho, both the Old City Tell and the Monastery that is the traditional location of the Temptation.
The monastery was 3/4th the way up a cliff and is reachable by an Austrian Cable Car. The area is now controlled by the Palestinian Authority. In addition, we saw the traditional tree Zacchaeus climbed.
Well, today we visited Jericho, both the Old City Tell and the Monastery that is the traditional location of the Temptation.
The monastery was 3/4th the way up a cliff and is reachable by an Austrian Cable Car. The area is now controlled by the Palestinian Authority. In addition, we saw the traditional tree Zacchaeus climbed.
Tonight, in change of plans, we heard a lecture on the Herodion and Herod’s tomb by Hebrew University Professor Ehud Netzer. The site was fresh in our mind because we saw it yesterday. It was informative to hear how it was discovered and the reasons he thinks it is 98% likely it is Herod’s tomb area. The lecture was held at the Bible Lands Museum which also has a nice collection of materials.
Tomorrow is Samaria, more West Bank roaming.
In some ways the highlight of the day was a drive down Allon Road between Jerusalem and Jericho, the site used in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan. It was spectacular in the extent of the wilderness and its scope, as well as all the hiding places robbers could use. We managed to wander near an old firing range of the Israeli army by accident. A fallen sign laying on the road tells all. The picture speaks for itself!
Is it true you really voted
Is it true you really voted for Obama? I heard that, but think I know better and just wanted to hear i from “the horses mouth” so-to-speak before a rumor spreads… Thanks and God bless, HE is in control, even when leaders WE think shouldn’t be in right? Praise Him for that!
Is it true? dlb
Yes, no problem, Jon, I’d love to explain.
The citation that comes after the note in Newsweek about my vote as evidence of a small shift among evangelicals is from me and explains in part. It reads, "For Christians like him, social issues such as abortion and gay marriage were not litmus tests this year. If Christians were concerned about ‘the economy, competence, our role in the world, the way we’ve prosecuted the war on terrorism—then they switched their vote and made the middle group larger.’"
I think the competence of the current administration in a variety of areas was damaging (and quite disappointing) to and for the country. I saw McCain, at least as he campaigned in this go around, as more of the same (I liked the McCain of 2000 far more). I also thought that Sarah Palin was singularly unqualified to be President, reflective of an amazing lack of judgment on McCain’s part. This was very significant in my decision because McCain is so old. Her absolute lack of cross-cultural understanding for a potential President was precisely the type of thing that caused us to make very serious mistakes and exercise exceedingly poor judgment in Iraq about how quickly that culture could be reversed and embrace democracy with open arms (anyone who has done missionary work understand this one, I think). We cannot afford not to be fully up to speed in international realtionships.
So I did not think it best for the USA to have more of the same or take on the risk of a potential President who seemed to have so little clue about the world. I also see in Jesus’ values and the moral values of the prophets a set of concerns about life within society I saw sat slightly better on balance with Obama. This was not an easy vote, because on right to life and family issues the position of Republicans is far better and had been a major reason for past support of them. In the end I finally decided not to be a voter on a few social issues this time (unlike previous elections). In part, because I decided that for all the pro-life rhetoric, little was actually done when it came to social issues once our votes were cast. The country has serious problems in an array of areas. Chaos in governmental competence makes other issues in society even worse. So that was the priority this time.
As you note, God is in control. Hopefully we can all work together for what is best for the country across what is a difficult board of issues.