
More On Turkey Oct 15

Just got an update on Turkey, not the Kurds situation, which is well covered, but one about Christians and Bibles.

Here it is:

Reaction to Americans for Distributing Bibles.

People of the province of Igdir reacted to three American tourists working as missionaries and distributing Bibles.

Just got an update on Turkey, not the Kurds situation, which is well covered, but one about Christians and Bibles.

Here it is:

Reaction to Americans for Distributing Bibles.

People of the province of Igdir reacted to three American tourists working as missionaries and distributing Bibles.

Three USA citizens Joshua Turner, Jeo Taner and Andrew Mabie met people’s reaction. Police had to take precautions so that the USA citizens were not harmed and took the Americans to the prosecutor’s office to take their statements. Prosecutor released them after taking their statements.

After this event was heard in the city, the provincial Islamic clerk Mehmet Sönmezoğlu said, "Those who came all the way here to distribute Bibles are deceived. Our people in Igdır province are not empty. They are committed to Islam, they have soaked Islam into their hearts and they are faithful people. They should not come here meaninglessly.”

Ihlas News Agency

One Comment

  • Andrew Mabie

    It was a crazy day yet awesome to see how the Lord worked. We ended up passing out more Turkish translations of the bible to the police and the Turkish version of the FBI that day than we did to anyone else. I’m on vacation starting tomorrow for the next week but once I return, I’ll talk more about it if you’d like. I won’t have access to my work email I’ve listed until I return. I’m a civilian employee on base.