
On Air Debate with Bart Ehrman about the book Forged (Aug 6 revised) Podcast Now Posted

Yesterday (July 21) I taped an hour with Bart Ehrman and his book Forged. It was for a UK Christian radio show called Unbelievable with Justin Brierley. The show airs Saturday in the UK, July 30 (Now revised to Aug 6). Now it will not be available in the USA over the air, but a podcast is possible after the UK broadcast date. 

Yesterday (July 21) I taped an hour with Bart Ehrman and his book Forged. It was for a UK Christian radio show called Unbelievable with Justin Brierley. The show airs Saturday in the UK, July 30 (Now revised to Aug 6). Now it will not be available in the USA over the air, but a podcast is possible after the UK broadcast date. 

We covered pseudepigraphy in general, the book of 1 and 2 Peter, 2 Thessalonians, Ephesians, the roles of secretaries and ancient literacy. As with all such "live" event, you think of things to have raised afterwards. For the most part, though, I was happy with the effort and the moderator was really good and fair to both of us.

Those who are interested can go to this web page for information.

Information on the show will be up next week, I think. It also will be available at the bottom of the web page for a while. The show and a free subscription to it is available on iTunes Podcasts at the iTunes Store under audio podcasts. Just be sure to get the right host with the title.

On another front, we are preparing to end our Sabbatical in Germany. We leave the country next week. I have to speak in London the second week of August. Then I head home. Postings may become few and far between as I travel.


  • Frank Pardue


    Hi Darrell!

    I just found this blog! It is great to hear you are taking on Bart Ehrman and others. I look forward to hearing more about your books coming out on this area.  Blessings! Frank

  • Peter Rufus

    Can’t find your debate with Bart Ehrman

    Hi Darrel,

    Have been following your review of Forged so was quite keen to listen to your debate with Mr Ehrman. However, I'm not sure where to look for it on the website you posted. I've been on the Premier/ Unbelievable website and done a keyword search for the debate but I can't find it. Would you be able to point me in the right direction please?

    Thanks much for your posts and ongoing contributions. It's a privilege and a blessing.


    Peter Rufus

  • Darrell L. Bock

    Ehrman Debate

    Peter: It does not air until Saturday, July 30, so it will not post on the web site or as a podcast until then. [This has now been updated for broadcast on Aug 6, not July 30]

    • Peter Rufus

      Thanks Darrell. Must learn to

      Thanks Darrell. Must learn to read more carefully.  ;-P

      Will look forward.

  • EJK

    On Air Debate

    I am very much looking forward to listening to this debate. Thank you for all the hard research work  you have done over the years. God has used it to prepare you for such a time as this.  

    I have listened to one other "debate" (Brian McLaren vs. James White) on the Unbelievable Program. I found your statement "…the moderator was really good and fair to both of us." to be true for that debate too.