Opportunity to Participate in a Study on Millennials and the Development of their Religious Ideas
Beth Matthews is heading up a study on Millennials and the way they developed their religious views. It is an interesting and important topic, so I am helping her recruit participants.
Here is the information in case this interests you or you know someone who qualifies in the age range. The survey takes around 20 minutes to fill out.
Study of the Development of Religious Views in Young Adults
If you are an American between 18-30 years old, you are invited to participate in an online research study on the development of religious views among young adults. Identity protection is provided.
Every 20th participant (up to 20 participants) will receive a $10 gift card to Amazon if you are willing to leave a mailing address. Anyone who asks may receive information about the study findings. Just leave an email, twitter handle, or mailing address when prompted at the end of the study.
To participate in the survey, please access the Web link below. You will then be directed to complete the study, requiring no more than 15-20 minutes.
Thanks for your help!
Beth Matthews
PhD candidate
Liberty University
Lynchburg, VA