A Family Devotional Guide for Easter Weekend
In preparation for Easter, I’ve put together a short devotional guide based on 1 Corinthians 15:1–8, 53–58. Ideally, this is a great resource to use on or near Easter Weekend. This could be done in one day (example: Good Friday), or you could read it in two segments (the first two talking points on the first day & the third talking point on the second day). Download the pdf version of “A Family Devotional Guide for Easter” or simply view the plain text below. The Good News of Jesus Christ Read: 1 Corinthians 15:1–8, 53–58 Read the passage out loud as a family. Then go through…
Death, Where is Your Sting?
As we wrap up Easter week, though still just beginning the 40-day Easter season, I'm stuck on the lyrics from one worship song: "Oh, Death, where is your sting?" (from Matt Maher's Christ is Risen) Actually, death does sting. I've just come from the funeral of a dear young man, the teenaged son of friends with whom my husband and I have shared life for all of our 18-year marriage. Last summer I said goodbye to three other friends and family members, two suddenly and one after a long illness. I'm done with death, thank you very much. But Maher uses the phrase rhetorically, as the victorious melody suggests. He quotes…
A Family Gospel Devotional from 1 Corinthians 15
Holy week has commenced and Resurrection Sunday draws near. And, if you read blogs, my guess is that you also use other forms of social media and are probably drowning in Easter activities via Pinterest, Facebook, etc. I mean did you know you can even make a tomb out of a donut and an Oreo? Yeah, neither did I until everyone posted it on Pinterest. These activities bring fun and joy, but if you only do one Easter activity with your family this year, I challenge you to make it a gospel devotional based on 1 Corinthians 15. Preparation: Get your family Bible and read 1 Corinthians 15:1–8, 53–58 out…