• Engage

    Running the Race of Life

    As Thanksgiving approaches, many of us are gearing up for our favorite running day of the year. Even non-runners love the annual Turkey Trot where young and old alike jog in anticipation of the great feast ahead. Then you can eat all the turkey dinner you want AND have a second helping of dessert guilt-free. Okay, maybe that last part is just my tradition. Unfortunately, I can’t run this year due to a back injury. Doctor’s orders. As I’ve lamented and longed to run again, a new picture has emerged: Life as a race with hurdles and PR’s (personal records). Scripture says: “Since we are surrounded by such a great…

  • Engage

    The Best Antidote to Summertime Boredom and Distraction

    Summer gives us an opportunity to slow down. “The livin’ is easy; fish are jumpin,’” and all that. Without so many activities on the calendar we have more time to take trips, watch TV or kick back with friends or a good book. We all need seasons of restoration, but the cultural pull towards having fun and lazing around can make room for boredom and distraction to settle in like a fog. In The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair, Aslan draws Jill and Scurbb into Narnia to accomplish a special mission: rescue Prince Rillian, the crown prince of Narnia, now missing for over ten years.The great lion gives Jill…

  • Engage

    Dis*trac*tion – Good, Bad and Staying On Task

    Distraction = American English defines as “something that gets your attention and prevents you from concentrating on something else OR an activity that you can do for fun or entertainment ” Our 11 yr. old granddaughter rattled off her list: technology, people, sound, noise and hunger.We all know about distractions. Most of us can name our most persistent ones. I was bombarded by distractions while trying to write this blog about "distractions"! Often not inherently bad, they become a bothersome interference if they take you off focus and prevent you from staying on task…social media, busyness, too much sugar, criticism, daydreaming, volunteering, unsolicited emails, global crises news and even reading,…