Facing Change Well
It’s fall and the leaves are starting to change. We welcome it and admire the beauty. Kids face the changes in the fall of a new school year. New teachers, sometimes new schools. Growing up is hard.
A Dog In A Tree
At a recent session of the Wednesday Morning Men, a men’s Bible study I teach every Wednesday morning (what else would the Wednesday Morning Men be except a gathering for men and when else would it meet except on Wednesday morning) one of the regular guys, Wayne Mitchell, talked about something his grandmother said to him when he was in his late twenties. Wayne questioned her about prominent pastors who promote themselves, become well known, and then fall. She said, “They’re like a dog in a tree.” Wayne had never heard that phrase before so he wondered what she meant. She replied, “You will never see a dog in a…
Kick Off To A Fantastic September
The month of September has arrived and fall is just around the corner. Excitement and energy fill the air as children embrace new activities, make new friends, learn new things, and move into a new classroom. When I think of the month of September in Children’s Ministry, I think of these ten things.