• Engage

    New Year: New You or Old You? — Actions vs. Resolutions

    It’s January and as expected, class attendance exceeds the maximum room occupancy at the gym. These (will prove to be non-faithful) newbies are bubbling with excitement to start their “New Year’s Resolutions.” They start with high hopes that this will finally be their year to change. But after years of observing this New Year’s phenomenon, I know the gym will return to normal by the end of February (if not earlier). It’s easy to make resolutions. It’s sticking to them that’s the problem. When asked to speak about his book, Put Your Dream to the Test, John C. Maxwell, internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, coach, and best-selling author, gave me…

  • Engage

    Strong Support of Friends (1 Chronicles 11-12)

    Surround yourself with people who will give you strong support. That’s what jumped out at me from 1 Chronicles 11-12. David as King became powerful because God was with him. And, one of the ways God was with him was by sending strong, noble, and faithful men to surround David. Are you a leader of a work team, a family, or a small group? Surround yourself with people who will give your leadership strong support like David’s “Mighty Men” did. David’s Mighty Men. I love that title! They were strong warriors who took their stand in the middle of the fray and defended their territory to bring victory. God sent…

  • Engage

    Blind Spots

    Check your rearview mirror. Look over your shoulder. Signal. Every time we climb into the car, these simple rules from Drivers Ed help us avoid blind spots and the accidents that could ensue. We all have blind spots—in driving vehicles and in navigating life. When we don't recognize these tender areas, dangerous events ensue.  Tires screech. Metal scrapes. People yell. Emotions flare. Conflicts deepen. Friendships fracture. So this year—amidst a month when we make our resolutions and look for ways to grow into our better selves—I plan to address some of these tricky spots in my own life. You too? How do we recognize our blind spots and work on…