• Engage

    The Necessary Sovereignty of God

    "Everything is necessary that He sends and nothing can be necessary that He withholds." John Newton This quote from our pastor's sermon  on Romans 8 last Sunday are hard words and require untmost dependence in the absolute  goodness of God and trust in His sovereign care, especially when what you think is necessary is withheld. Otherwise you would go mad to think that the sovereign Creator of the universe is powerless to stop or thwart evil. Modeled by God when He sacrificed His son on the cruel, terrible cross, Christ's death was necessary. And, it was not necessary for Him to withhold Jesus's dying on the cross. Where would be…

  • Engage

    Ob•sta•cle – something that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress

    “Some travelers never make it to their destination because they are unprepared for obstacles they encounter. Too often these obstacles leave pilgrims frustrated or disoriented, resigned to making little or no headway. Spiritual dryness, prayerlessness, temptation and discouragement can make us wonder whether it is possible or worthwhile to stay the course of Christian pilgrimage.” * Obstacles, roadblocks, barriers – literal, emotional, psychological, physical – occur randomly or on a daily basis. Obstacles are part of the human dilemma. They are part of the fall of man but sometimes they are simply too much. Some days are too overwhelming. Some problems too insurmountable and some losses seem too painful to…