• Engage

    Welcoming the White Space

    It’s quiet now. That time of the year when we finally catch our breath. The Christmas parties and family gatherings have mostly concluded. It isn’t quite time to ring in the new year. It’s the white space. I used to think the week between Christmas and New Year’s was one of the most boring of the year. All the excitement of one holiday wrapped up. The anticipation and planning for a new year not quite here yet. But over the past few years, this week has become one of my favorites. Our family lets out a collective exhale. We sleep in and make cinnamon toast. We clean out and deep…

  • Impact

    A prayer for the New Year and beyond (based on Psalm 23)

    The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He gives me rest in lush meadows, he leads me beside peaceful streams, he renews my life. He brings honor to his name, by guiding me along the right paths. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for you are close beside me; your rod and your staff reassure me. You prepare a royal banquet for me, in full view of my oppressors. You drench my head with perfumed olive oil; my cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and constant love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell…

  • Engage

    My One New Year Resolution

    Unproductive. Sidelined. Missing the mark. Behind in my work. Self-critical thoughts assailed me during a period a few years ago when my husband and I were both sidelined by injuries in a couple of mishaps. I think of myself as someone who grants myself and others a lot of grace. But sometimes life ambushes me and I don’t accomplish my goals, invest effectively in the people around me or live up to my own or to what I perceive as others' expectations. At those times, I realize that while I grant grace to others, I tend to measure my value by what I do. However, in the Lord's economy, when…