• Engage

    Hard Questions about Worldview and Character and our Vote

    When Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton ran for president in 2016, I could hardly believe that I would to have to choose one of them in order to make my vote count. I know, many people made a vote in principle for a third party candidate. But I couldn’t do that. I believe that casting a vote that helps determine the outcome is being the best steward of my citizenship and my vote. Even now, in 2020, I know people who will not vote for either candidate on principle. And yet the candidate they are backing is not even on the ballot in my state. That is a political statement.…

  • Engage

    When You’re Feeling Stressed about this Election

    “Why are you concerned about this presidential primary?” I ask.   “Because," a friend said over dinner, "someone I don't trust may gain control of our military might, our nuclear codes–someone who seems easily offended and vengeful.”   “Because," another said, "I’m afraid I’m losing my homeland. It’s changing right under my feet.”   “I wonder,” said another, “what are people thinking?! They don’t appear to care about issues and substance. They seem charmed by the personality of a Pied Piper.”   Yesterday I was speaking to another friend who confided that it was getting to the point where she didn’t even want to let her thoughts go to the…