Taking Sides
What is it that causes us to have such polarizing opinions about such things as the Zimmerman case? Certainly the desire for justice should be a motivating force to cause us to speak out. I understand the utter disappointment of those who sincerely thought that a crime had been committed when the life of a Treyvon Martin had been taken. If that had been my son I would be demanding some type of justice too. Our legal system ran its course in this case and a verdict was rendered. We can have an opinion on that
verdict but the division that has occurred after the verdict seems to be greater than what existed beforehand. What is most surprising is the anger that arises from those that are in agreement with the verdict. We are not required to agree with those on the other side but can we not understand their pain and disappointment? That disappointment should not give license to illegal behavior or mistreatment of a person who the courts have declared innocent.
It is as if politics, issues of racial equality and judicial renderings have been treated like a sports competition in our country. The media coverage provides talking heads who
debate vociferously and even speak over one another baiting us to side with one or the other. We take the bait and declare a winner and a loser.
Does God see a winner or a loser in situations such as these? We are called to view all of life through His eyes. A young man whom God loved dearly was killed and a fami
ly is grieving. Another man must live with the reality that he took another life even if he believed it was done in self defense. They are no winners in these circumstances!
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
This is what we are called to in every circumstance of life no matter how tragic or confusing. We can desire justice and mercy at the same time because God declares it possible. What seems to be the most difficult is our attempt to do all of this humbly. Just like the news media we bait the opposing viewpoints on social media and in conversation thinking we can do some good. We may even think that as Christians we are defending God himself in issues of justice and righteousness. I have come to realize that I do not have the corner on God's perspective on many situations. I do know that He is a merciful, loving God who defends the oppressed and gives a voice to the powerless. We should be praying for God's peace with everyone affected by this tragedy. Choose to see and understand others through the eyes of God and remember… "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." Proverbs 12:18
Al Rossi
(No subject)
Jojie Esguerra
I want to learn more from you
Dear Sir Al Rossi,
Greetings in the Precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.God is refreshing me the scripture Proverbs 12:18 through this blog of you.
Would it be good to argue with someone suggesting me to stop from being a full time church minister and work for salary outside the ministry?
Would I just submit to the suggestion or just continue to have faith that God will provide later as I continue to do what He placed as a burden in my heart?
Thanks in advance for giving attention to my question Sir.
sincerely yours,
jojie esguerra