
Target Practice Recap!

This past weekend was very cool for me. I was given the opportunity to preach to the congregation of my church about a subject that I’m very passionate about…the family!  I believe that the family is God’s greatest passion on the earth behind the heart of the individual.

I preached on God First, Spouse Second and Kids Third!  This topic is rather controversial to a lot of people because they believe in alternate priority patterns.

Here’s a recap of the sermon:

The Problem:

–          We are all perfectly imperfect sinners raising our families in a completely dysfunctional world and that’s why we need a Perfectly Perfect Savior with a completely functional plan to raise our families.

The Solution:

–          God FirstMatthew 22:36:40, Deuteronomy  6:13:15

o   God should be the Bulls eye of our lives!

–          Spouse Second – 1 Corinthians 11:3, Ephesians 5:21-25, Ephesians 5:3

o   Our Spouse should be the next best thing behind our relationship with God.

o   God’s plan is for Husband and Wife to unite as one with Him in the center of it.

–          Kids ThirdDeuteronomy 5:16, Proverbs 22:6

o   Kids should be welcome editions to the family and not the centerpiece.

o   If you worship your kids they will let you and they make horrible Gods.

o   Your job is to love, nurture, teach, correct, discipline, and prepare them to GO!

How to Practice God First, Spouse Second, Kids Third:

Practicing Making God the Bulls eye:

–          Establish a Relationship with Him,

–          Pray

–          Read His Word – other material that will help you understand better.  

–          Attend church every week and really Worship Him and Thank Him!

–          Serve in the Church

–          Give to the church – time, talent and treasure

–          Attend Bible studies – Attend Men’s and Women’s ministry meetings

–          Attend a Celebrate Life Group

–          Find friends who are in love with God too.

Practicing making your Spouse Second:

–          Date regularly!

–          Communicate with our spouse about everything. 

–          Be unified with your spouse in parenting decisions or for any other decision for that matter.

–          Be intimate with your spouse regularly.

–          Learn each other’s Love Languages.

–          Cherish each other.

Practicing making your Kids Third:

–          Become the primary teacher for your kids spiritual Growth.

–          Limit the number of Extra-Curricular Activities they have.  1-2 limit.

–          Put kids on schedule when they are a baby and when they get older.

–          Have a decent bed time.

–          Don’t let kids sleep with you in your bed!

–          Eat around the dinner table 3 – 6 days a week.

–          Limit their screen time.

–          Feed them healthy foods.

–          Serve with them in the church and outside the church.

–          Lead by example.

–          Know who their friends are.

–          Teach them God First – Spouse Second – Kids Third.

I would love to see life change happen within the families of the community I serve.  I hope this message will help a family or two to consider some changes that I pray will draw them closer to themselves and to God.  

I pray that these families practice aiming at God’s Target and I’m quite sure they will hit the mark!


Brian Holt was called into and served in children's ministry for over 20 years. Brian had the privilege to lead in children's ministries ranging from mega-church to plant church size. Brian changed roles in his church and now serves as the Care Pastor at Rock Creek Church in Prosper, Texas overseeing the Care and Support ministries of the church. Brian has been married to his lovely wife Amy for over 24 years and they have 5 amazing kids. Brian's passion is to see every man, woman and child fall in love with Jesus and become one of his devout followers, transforming their lives in the process to be more like Him everyday.