The Cold War is Returning to Men’s Hearts
I grew up in the middle of the cold war and as I look around and talk to people I can see that the cold war is returning. I am using the chronological reading plan for my daily bible reading plan and in the reading for today verse 12 of Matthew twenty-four seemed to fit this title well. Matt 24:12 “because lawlessness will increase so much, the love of many will grow cold”. The physical world may turn on its axis but the heart of man often turns dependent upon the circumstances of the day and world events. And thus the heart of man grows cold when his day and his world become unstable and all does not meet his need(s). Paul spoke of this to Timothy “but Timothy, understand this, in the last days difficult times will come, for people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful etc. Note the first item that Paul listed “lovers of themselves” and thus a reason for the coldness of their heart.
I grew up in the middle of the cold war and as I look around and talk to people I can see that the cold war is returning. I am using the chronological reading plan for my daily bible reading plan and in the reading for today verse 12 of Matthew twenty-four seemed to fit this title well. Matt 24:12 “because lawlessness will increase so much, the love of many will grow cold”. The physical world may turn on its axis but the heart of man often turns dependent upon the circumstances of the day and world events. And thus the heart of man grows cold when his day and his world become unstable and all does not meet his need(s). Paul spoke of this to Timothy “but Timothy, understand this, in the last days difficult times will come, for people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful etc. Note the first item that Paul listed “lovers of themselves” and thus a reason for the coldness of their heart.
I grew up in the middle of the cold war and as I look around and talk to people I can see that the cold war is returning. I am using the chronological reading plan for my daily bible reading plan and in the reading for today verse 12 of Matthew twenty-four seemed to fit this title well. Matt 24:12 “because lawlessness will increase so much, the love of many will grow cold”. The physical world may turn on its axis but the heart of man often turns dependent upon the circumstances of the day and world events. And thus the heart of man grows cold when his day and his world become unstable and all does not meet his need(s). Paul spoke of this to Timothy “but Timothy, understand this, in the last days difficult times will come, for people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful etc. Note the first item that Paul listed “lovers of themselves” and thus a reason for the coldness of their heart.
To illustrate this in real time let me share a quick observation from my wife who over the last few weeks has had the opportunity to share with many about the new NET Bible Study Environment. Keep in mind this was not a scheduled survey, nor is it statistically accurate but merely observations from her interviews. She shared with both men and women. Here is some of what she observed and heard:
First the men’s responses; “When asked what is your present church ministry” most were hesitant at first and then shared that they served “behind the scenes”, that is bus driver, helper in AWANA
Next the men who were asked about their bible study habits and How much time they spent studying, the responses ranged from none to a few hours a week. (Some were teacher. Which begs the question, how someone who is responsible to teach can say none is interesting to say the least)
- I do not study. ( When pressed the reasons given were, my age, my time limitations, my lack of formal education, and I do not have a reason)
- I am too old, that is for younger people
- My Sunday school teacher studies so I don’t have to do that
- I am not computer literate
- How much does your study tool cost? When told it was FREE, they said, nothing is FREE and many walked away shaking their heads.
- Some were interested and said “I will check it out!”
In contrast the same questions were asked to the women. They as a group were more curious. Interestingly, they repeatedly interrupted to:
Ask more questions and stepped closer to see the presentation.
When asked what is their present church ministry the answers ranged from choir, to children’s ministries, to ladies ministry to teaching in all levels, to actively teaching in a Christian day school.
Here are the responses gleaned from this simple interview:
- I do not study. (When pressed; reasons given were a lack of commitment, lack of time, lack of small Bible Study environment but desiring to locate one; lack of financial resources; and (noteworthy) lack of a husband who also had a desire to attend church and/or study or is an unbeliever)
- I know I should spend more time but I just do not
- I do not have a computer nor am I interested
- My Sunday school teacher studies so I don’t have to do that
- I am involved in a present day Bible Study and this is awesome as it will help me find answers to what words mean in the Greek/Hebrew.
- Teaching children is my passion and this would be of great benefit
- I use another online Bible Study tool but this is superb; can’t wait to check it out
If you noted both groups put much of the responsibility on the shoulders of their Sunday school teachers. Thus this presents the question: Could this be why the “love has grown cold”, the church attendance is falling and parachurch attendance is growing? The men who are commanded to lead their families and the church appeared to not be convicted to take the step of leading whereas the women were convicted and would step up to study but often lacked the leadership of the men and the expertise of older women to lead them.
Thus our “The Cold War is Returning” and with it the heart grows cold as Jesus said about the Ephesian church Rev 2:4 “But I have this against you: You have departed from your first love! Therefore, remember from what high state you have fallen and repent!”
How can we get men to take ownership of their position to lead? How can we see them get excited about study and spiritual maturity for themselves, their families and their churches.. It must begin in the heart and repentance for losing that first love. If we as men do not take this leadership seriously, what will happen to the next generation and the generation that follows? Paul warns us about hardening our hearts in Rom 2:5 “But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath for yourselves in the day of wrath, when God’s righteous judgment is revealed!” This is one reason why I launched our path to spiritual growth program and I am recruiting men with hearts for discipleship to lead it and grow it so it impacts the world for Christ. Would you check it out and join me?