
The Great Commission

Sunday School Chronicles

Me: Give me all the reasons why Easter is a big deal!

Kid 1: Easter eggs!

Me: Yes!

Kid 2: Easter egg hunt!

Me: Obvi!

Kid 3: Food!

Me: Yasss!

Kid 4: Jesus died for our sins!

Me: Yes! Yes to all of these! But here’s something that people don’t always think about when it comes to Easter, the Great Commission.

Kid 2: What’s that?

Me: I’m so glad you asked. So, Jesus didn’t just rise from the dead and go straight to Heaven. No. He chilled on Earth for a little bit. His Disciples were struggling and it was important for Jesus to get them back on track. They just experienced a huge traumatic event. They literally saw their Bro get crucified. Jesus had to show them that He was being truthful when He said that He would rise again. Jesus had to prepare them to not see Him on Earth anymore. Jesus had a lot of work to do.

Kid 4: Ohhh. That makes sense.

Me: Yeah! So Jesus had to make sure they were cool but also ready to do the most important thing ever, go and tell the world about Him. Jesus is too important to keep to yourself. He wants everybody to know about Him. Do you share Jesus with others?

Kids: Yeah! I do! I have!

Me: Good! Before leaving the Earth, Jesus gathered His Disciples and told them to go everywhere. To Africa, Asia, and every nation and tell everyone about Him and baptize them in His name. Wanna know something cool?

Kids: You don’t even have to go. Jesus has brought so many people to you. They’re your neighbors, teachers, friends, people you see at your games. All these people are from different nations. God made the job pretty easy.

Reflect: Who is God putting on your heart to tell them about the good news of Jesus? Ask God to help you know when to talk, what to say, and provide the opportunity to share all about Him.

Sunday School Chronicles Me: Give me all the reasons why Easter is a big deal! Kid 1: Easter eggs! Me: Yes! Kid 2: Easter egg hunt! Me: Obvi! Kid 3: Food! Me: Yasss! Kid 4: Jesus died for our sins! Me: Yes! Yes to all of these! But here’s something that people don’t always think…

A 5th Grade Sunday School Class learns about the Great Commission.

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