Sunday School Chronicles
Me: Here’s a fun fact about Ms. Janay. Halloween is my favorite holiday but I don’t like being scared. Kids: Seriously? What? How? That makes no sense! Me: First of all, Ms. Janay is complicated. I’m more of a Hocus Pocus, cute costume, and eating candy Halloween lover. Kid 1: I can see it! Me: Thank you! So here’s the thing, being scared might be a big part of Halloween but it’s something we experience all the time. What does the Bible tell us about fear? Kid 2: To not be afraid? Me: Yes! Why? Kids: … Me: I get it. Let me break it down. Fear is a very…
Love Is In The Air
Me: Next month is February. What is the big thing everybody celebrates? Kids: Valentine’s Day! Me: Yes! Valentine’s Day! It’s not my favorite holiday but it does give me an excuse to eat all the chocolate. You definitely don’t need a Valentine to get one of those hearts filled with chocolate. Kid 1: Yeah you do! Me: Um. No. Ms. Janay is her own Valentine cause there’s two people who love me more than me. Jesus and my mom. But guess what? Kids: What? Me: Valentine’s isn’t in the Bible but the Bible is almost like a love story to people who follow Jesus. Kid 2: Wait. How? Me: Well,…
A Merciful Respawn
Me: Any gamers in here? Kids: Yeah! I love video games! I play! I’m a gamer! Me: Yes! Fun fact about Ms. Janay. I used to be a hardcore gamer. Kids: *silent* Me: Oh my gosh! Y’all seriously don’t believe me? Kid 1: Not really Ms. Janay! Me: Wow. I’m hurt. Let me list off my gaming pedigree. Let’s start with some gaming history. Before the Switch, there was the Gameboy. I had a Gameboy before the Gameboy color came out, I had a Sega Dreamcast, an XBOX before the 360 was even invented, a Wii- Boy Kid: Whoa. We believe you! Me: Never doubt me again. Back to the…
Making Plans With God
Me: Have y’all ever heard that little joke, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans?” Kids: No. That’s a joke? I think I have? Me: Okay. I think we can all agree that if it has to be explained, then it’s probably not a funny joke. So, let me break it down. Jeremiah tells us that God knows everything about us. God knows the plans He has for us. But not just any plans. Plans to make us successful in many ways and not hurt us. Plans to give us hope and a future. Who’s the greatest future and hope ever promised? Kids: Jesus! Me: Yes!…
Thanksgiving with God
Sunday School Chronicles Me: Guess what’s coming up? Kids: Thanksgiving! Me: Oh yeah!!!!! I’m super pumped! I have three favorite holidays. Halloween, Christmas, and my birthday! Kid 1: Your birthday isn’t a holiday! Me: The nerve of you! It is in my fantasy! And y’all already know, when you come into this room, you’ve entered The Jantasy! Therefore, my birthday is a holiday! Kids: Wow Ms. Janay! Haha! Oh my gosh! Me: But seriously, did you know the Bible talks about Thanksgiving? Kid 2: But Thanksgiving happened later. Me: Oh yeah! That’s cool and all but I’m talking about a different Thanksgiving. Kid 3: A different Thanksgiving? Me: Yeah! In…
Besties For Life
Sunday School Chronicles Me: Do you have friends? Kids: Yes! Of course we do! Yeah! Me: Haha! Okay! Now. Do you have a best friend? Kids: Oh yeah! Absolutely! Yup! Me: Same! I’ve got best friends too! We all know there’s different levels of friendship. You’ve got the friends you only see at school, the friends you see during sports, the friends you hang out with, and your best friends are the ones you trust more than anything. Why is your best friend your best friend? Kid 1: Because we do everything together. Kid 2: I can tell them anything and they won’t tell everybody else. Kid 3: Because we…
A Habit a Day
Sunday School Chronicles Me: Y’all may not know this but I used to be in youth group too! Kids: Really? You did? No way. Me: Way. I wasn’t always the fabulous adult that stands before you. I was also a youth who was learning to be fabulous! Kid 1: Ms. Janay! Me: Haha! It’s true! Back when I was in youth group, my church made sure we had Proverbs 3:5-6 memorized. It says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.” Why do you think the adults constantly told us…
Big Feelings But A Bigger God
Me: Do any of y’all ever great freaked or anxious about things that you can’t control? Kids: Yeah. I do! Me! All the time. Me: No lies, me too. Being an adult doesn’t mean I don’t worry and freak out about stuff. I’m definitely getting better about it but I’ve still gotta work on it. Do you think Jesus freaked out? Kids: No. No way! Me: I think He did. Wanna know why? Kids: Yeah. Me: Because Jesus was human, just like us. Jesus had real emotions. Real issues. A mom that was probably on Jesus to clean His room. Don’t forget, Jesus had younger siblings. Is your household crazy…
Wise Beyond His Years
Sunday School Chronicles Me: Who in your life would you say is wise? Kid 1: My mom. Kid 2: My dad! Kid 3: You! Me: You’re totally right. I am really wise! But in all seriousness, let’s talk about the person that was described as wise. Solomon is called the wisest man ever. Y’all remember when we talked about him? Kid 3: Yeah. He was the one with a bunch of wives and girlfriends? Me: Yup! 700 wives and 300 girlfriends to be exact! That’s 1000. Kid 1: And he was considered the wisest man? Me: Yeah…about that. We all know super smart people who do really dumb things right?…
The Great Commission
Sunday School Chronicles Me: Give me all the reasons why Easter is a big deal! Kid 1: Easter eggs! Me: Yes! Kid 2: Easter egg hunt! Me: Obvi! Kid 3: Food! Me: Yasss! Kid 4: Jesus died for our sins! Me: Yes! Yes to all of these! But here’s something that people don’t always think about when it comes to Easter, the Great Commission. Kid 2: What’s that? Me: I’m so glad you asked. So, Jesus didn’t just rise from the dead and go straight to Heaven. No. He chilled on Earth for a little bit. His Disciples were struggling and it was important for Jesus to get them back…