Wise Beyond His Years
Sunday School Chronicles Me: Who in your life would you say is wise? Kid 1: My mom. Kid 2: My dad! Kid 3: You! Me: You’re totally right. I am really wise! But in all seriousness, let’s talk about the person that was described as wise. Solomon is called the wisest man ever. Y’all remember when we talked about him? Kid 3: Yeah. He was the one with a bunch of wives and girlfriends? Me: Yup! 700 wives and 300 girlfriends to be exact! That’s 1000. Kid 1: And he was considered the wisest man? Me: Yeah…about that. We all know super smart people who do really dumb things right?…
The Great Commission
Sunday School Chronicles Me: Give me all the reasons why Easter is a big deal! Kid 1: Easter eggs! Me: Yes! Kid 2: Easter egg hunt! Me: Obvi! Kid 3: Food! Me: Yasss! Kid 4: Jesus died for our sins! Me: Yes! Yes to all of these! But here’s something that people don’t always think about when it comes to Easter, the Great Commission. Kid 2: What’s that? Me: I’m so glad you asked. So, Jesus didn’t just rise from the dead and go straight to Heaven. No. He chilled on Earth for a little bit. His Disciples were struggling and it was important for Jesus to get them back…
Don’t Fear When Jesus Is Near
Sunday School Chronicles Me: Besides this, everybody knows Ms. Janay has other jobs. The great part about saying goodbye to y’all every Sunday means I’m one step closer to getting my cheat meal and going home. Student 1: You’re going to Sonic! Me: You know it! But here’s the thing about work, it has a start and finish time. Do you think God gets to clock out? Kids: No! Me: Really? Why? Student 2: The world would go crazy! Student 3: We need God to keep everything in control. Me: That’s right! God is a god of order not chaos. So this one time, Jesus was just healing people left…
You Can Always Say Sorry
Sunday School Chronicles Me: So when we last left off, Jonah was telling the Ninevites they had 40 days to get right or get gone. What do you think the people of Nineveh chose? Kid 1: To get right? Kid 2: To get gone! Me: First answer obvi! They chose to do the right thing. Did God force it? Kids: No! Me: No. God gives us choices but He will never force or make us do anything we don’t want to do. That’s not who He is. That’s not how He rolls. Through Jonah, He gave Nineveh choices. Luckily for Nineveh, they chose right. They didn’t just apologize, they showed…
Trust and Obey
Sunday School Chronicles Me: So last week we learned that God commanded the big fish to swallow Jonah and spit Jonah up on the dry land of Nineveh. Kids: EWW. Me: I know! But that’s exactly how it happened. So Jonah goes right back to where he started. He tells the people that Nineveh will be destroyed in 40 days. Kids: What??? Really? Me: Yes! Whether they like it or not, they’re getting permanently evicted in 40 days. How do you think the Ninevites handled it? Kid 1: They were mad. Kid 2: Some started leaving. Me: Well, they prayed. Not only did they pray, they apologized for hurting God…
Fathoms Below
Sunday School Chronicles Me: So, last week, we talked about Jonah being so pressed, that he went the literal opposite direction of where God told him to go. There’s a huge storm rocking the boat and Jonah convinces the crew to throw him overboard. Kid 1: That’s crazy. Me: I know right! Well, Jonah gets his wish and is thrown into the sea. This wasn’t like The Little Mermaid or Finding Nemo. There was no singing crab, no sea witch trying to steal his voice, there wasn’t a fish with short term memory loss who just kept swimming. Class: *laughs* Me: My dude went overboard and straight into the mouth…
Mad? Take A Nap.
A 5th grade Sunday School class meets Jonah.
Jesus Rose!
Sunday School Chronicles Me: What’s coming up? Kids: Easter! Me: Yes! Easter! I know y’all are super pumped about getting an Easter basket, doing Easter Egg Hunts, and even dressing up. Me? I’m pretty mad at my mom because she won’t make me Easter baskets anymore. Class: WHAT? Are you serious? No way! Me: Way! I’m her child! I didn’t ask to be here. So I should get a basket for forever. So anyway! Jesus dying shouldn’t be a surprise. Why? Kid 1: Because Jesus told the Disciples he was gonna die. Me: Yes! But that’s not all He told the Disciples. What else shouldn’t have surprised them? Kid 2:…
Show and Tell
A 5th grade Sunday School class talks about Show and Tell.
Stay Focused on What Matters
A 5th grade Sunday School class talks about Jesus' upcoming death.