
Three Days of Meetings Completed and the Isaiah Scroll June 7.08

We have finished our work on the papers and filming has started. 7 shows of 30 minutes will be made. On location filming starts tomorrow. The highlight of the day was a visit to the Shrine of the Book, on the Dead Sea Scrolls. The actual Dead Sea Scroll manuscript of Isaiah (A) is on display for only 30 days. We got to go in and look at it closely.

We have finished our work on the papers and filming has started. 7 shows of 30 minutes will be made. On location filming starts tomorrow. The highlight of the day was a visit to the Shrine of the Book, on the Dead Sea Scrolls. The actual Dead Sea Scroll manuscript of Isaiah (A) is on display for only 30 days. We got to go in and look at it closely. It is stunning to see a text in small, clear, ancient Hebrew script dating from somewhere near the first century. This is the text that differs only slightly in small ways from the manuscripts from the tenth century AD, (the oldest manuscripts we had of the Hebrew Bible until the Dead Sea Texts were found). The text indicates how carefully the texts were copied over the centuries. So quite a day. No photos were permitted. I should have more news and pictures in the next few days.

One Comment

  • Anonymous

    I have enjoyed reading of your visit to the Holy Land. I look forward to seeing the films you are making.

    Enjoy and have a safe trip back.