Wisdom, God’s Instruction For a Successful Life – Ten Life Lessons for Children From The Book of Proverbs
What is wisdom? Where does wisdom come from? Kay Arthur defines wisdom as “knowledge rightly applied.” Billy Graham sums it up this way, “knowledge is horizontal…but, wisdom is vertical – it comes down from above.” According to Dr. Tony Evans, “wisdom is the spiritual insight for earthly application, the ability to know what God wants and the know-how to apply it where you live.”
What is wisdom? Where does wisdom come from? Kay Arthur defines wisdom as “knowledge rightly applied.” Billy Graham sums it up this way, “knowledge is horizontal…but, wisdom is vertical – it comes down from above.” According to Dr. Tony Evans, “wisdom is the spiritual insight for earthly application, the ability to know what God wants and the know-how to apply it where you live.”
Wisdom comes from God and is given to those who seek it. It is for those who desire to know His instruction and are willing to receive His knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6-7 says that He alone is our source for all instruction and provides us with His knowledge and understanding of truth, which is found in the Word of God. Anyone can have intellectual knowledge, but without God’s knowledge we cannot acquire understanding in order to live successfully. If we desire for our children to live a successful life then we must teach them to trust in God’s wisdom and acknowledge Him in all of their ways, seeking to follow His instruction for all of lives answers and not to lean on their own understanding. (c.f. Proverbs 3:5-6)
When children walk into our children’s ministry programs, they should be given opportunities to acquire wisdom through age appropriate activities. As children’s ministry leaders, parents, and volunteers we need to provide activities that will encourage children to seek godly wisdom. Too many times, our Christian children do not understand wisdom as God’s knowledge and understanding for answers to what is right and wrong. Thus, they seek wisdom from peers, friends, or other worldly sources. The answers they receive from these illegitimate sources end up leading them in a direction that gives them little hope for success in life.
Godly wisdom provides children with direction and instruction to God’s ways and His purpose for living a successful life. Wisdom is necessary in a child’s life so that they will be equipped to distinguish between right and wrong and to live a life full of peace and joy. (c.f. Proverbs 24:14)
Below are ten principles to use with children to help them as they embrace wisdom from God. He will impart His wisdom to His children if they desire to acquire it and look to His Word for instruction.
1. Life Lesson One…Obey your parents. (Proverbs 1:8) Be obedient to what your parents ask of you. What are some disobedient things you might do or say to your parents?
2. Life Lesson Two…Keep God’s commandments. (Proverbs 4:4) Seek to know and follow God’s commandments. What are some of God’s commandments?
3. Life Lesson Three…Hold on to God’s Word for answers. (Proverbs 4:20) Read your Bible daily and seek His understanding and knowledge on all things. What are some things God tells you to do?
4. Life Lesson Four…Embrace God’s Word and plant it deep in your heart. (Proverbs 4:23) Memorize Scripture and allow God to touch your heart with His truth. What are some Bible verses you have memorized?
5. Life Lesson Five…Watch who you have as friends. (Proverbs 4:10-13) Choose your friends wisely and seek those who will not mislead you to go against God's Word. Do you have any friends who do not know or follow God's Word?
6. Life Lesson Six…Refrain from using hurtful words. (Proverbs 4:24, 21:23) Watch your emotions and abstain from saying anything that might be hurtful to others. What are some things you might say that would cause someone to feel bad?
7. Life Lesson Seven…Be honest in all that you do. (Proverbs 11:3) Be careful to always tell the truth in all things. Name some reasons you might feel tempted to lie?
8. Life Lesson Eight…Keep an eye on where you go. (Proverbs 4:26-27) Stay away from activities and places that are evil. Where are some places that you would not want to go?
9. Life Lesson Nine…Seek self control when someone hurts you. (Proverbs 16:32) Keep attitudes and behavior focused on God not on the pain and emotion of the moment. What are some words or actions you might use to hurt someone?
10.Life Lesson Ten…Work hard in everything that you do. (Proverbs 12:24,13:4,19:15) Do everything with diligence and motivation. What are some reasons you might not want to work hard when doing something?
Help children embrace wisdom and enjoy the knowledge and understanding from above. God is wisdom and is all we need to live a successful life. Embrace His wisdom today!