
Your Story, My Story

In my corner of the world, it seems to be testimony time. For the past year, my church has recorded and broadcast short vignettes from members, telling "their story" of life with Christ. Each one focuses on a different aspect of their journey. Some tell of their salvation, some of how knowing Jesus helps them through a struggle, others share how they’ve changed since trusting Him. They are all fabulous. The most recent story featured my friend Susie. You can watch it here:

In my corner of the world, it seems to be testimony time. For the past year, my church has recorded and broadcast short vignettes from members, telling "their story" of life with Christ. Each one focuses on a different aspect of their journey. Some tell of their salvation, some of how knowing Jesus helps them through a struggle, others share how they’ve changed since trusting Him. They are all fabulous. The most recent story featured my friend Susie. You can watch it here:

I spent some time with Susie prior to this video shoot, listening to her work out the important events and issues of her past. I didn’t have to say much–mostly I was a sounding board. She spent many more hours alone putting her story together for the church. It was edited down to 4+ minutes, of course. Next month our MOPS group will hear the expanded version, in person. No video–just one of our own standing before us, telling us her story. At that meeting, we plan to include other methods people can use to share their testimony. Watch the video below if you have a few minutes:

Simple messages communicating a powerful force. Jesus Christ changed those people’s lives. He brought them from darkness to light, from sorrow to joy, from hopelessness to worship. They didn’t have to prepare a long speech or outline their entire lives. You, too, can share God’s story in your life simply and courageously.

If I were to prepare a cardboard testimony, it would say something like: insecure overachiever / content in His love. If you have a few hours, I could tell you my whole history. But here, the result of having Jesus is the focus–how did he change my life?

How did he change yours?

What’s your story? And who needs to hear it?

Kelley Mathews (Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary) has written and edited for the Christian market for more than 20 years. Currently a writer for RightNow Media, she lives in North Texas with her husband and their four children. She has partnered with Sue Edwards to coauthor Mixed Ministry, Women’s Retreats, Leading Women Who Wound, Organic Ministry to Women, and 40 Questions about Women in Ministry. Find her books and blog at KelleyMathews.com.

One Comment

  • Sue Bohlin

    Love those cardboard testimonies!
    I had the privilege of participating in the cardboard testimonies at a Christmas Eve service at our church (Watermark Community Church in Dallas). Mine said, "Crippled by polio = crippled by shame / Accepted, free, dancing with the Lord." What a blessing to be able to proclaim that Jesus has changed my life!