Separation – What Do You Tell The Kids?
Whether it was long expected or suddenly faced, the reality is your struggling marriage has come to an impassable fork in the road. You've decided to separate. You're struggling to find the right words to tell your children. Your fears and failures race through your mind, "Will this help us reconcile in the end? Will the the kids be able to understand? Will it cause them to fall away from the Lord?" Through all this uncertainty there are some things you CAN assure them of. Finding the Right Key Have you ever found yourself singing next to someone in church that completely throws you off key? Or how about that…
The Letter That Kills Our Children
It's proven that the earlier we introduce children to the alphabet we prepare them for success in school. I believe the Bible speaks of another "letter" we'd best prepare our children with a proper understanding of…. It's a Letter with the capability to embitter and kill the spirit of any child or adult for that matter, that demands perfection, and accepts no excuses. What letter is this? The Law… First, Understand The Law Isn't "Bad" Romans 7-8 and Galatians 3-5 harmonize well to explain that the law isn't bad, it is by all means necessary and helpful. "This is a covenant not of written laws, but of the Spirit. The…
Help Your Kids Avoid Tarzan-Like Faith
Children naturally piggyback off of our faith for quite some time. Knowing all to well that God has no grandchildren we gently nudge them toward autonomy over the years. Encouraging them to own their own thoughts, values and beliefs as we set them on a journey to find out who they are and who God really is. Our heart's desire echoing… "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (3 John 1:4) Sadly we realize, some will not be found walking in the truth. Perhaps not for a season or not at all. What's helpful to remember is, as perfect of an…