Believe Boldly
Scripture uses “courage” and “boldness” (including derivatives) over 110 times. In the New Testament, Paul exhorts believers to courageously live out their faith in 8 of his 13 letters to young churches and new Christ-followers.
To live boldly, we must believe boldly.
How do we live and believe boldly? Regardless of background, challenges, or circumstances, we can incorporate intentional practices into our daily routines. These practices help us grow in faith, and they provide space for the Holy Spirit to transform us from the inside out. Let’s explore three such practices:
Pray Boldly
- Suit up daily in the armor of God, piece by piece (Eph 6:10–20). Then boldly advance onto your battlefields of life under Christ’s banner.
- Pray in Christ’s name. Pray as Christ’s representative, asking God to move for the benefit of his Kingdom on earth according to his will.
- Courageously believe that our good, faithful God will respond. Pray daily with anticipation, even if just for 10 minutes at the start or end of your day.
- Keep a prayer journal to track how God answers your prayers.
Work Boldly
- Join Christ’s work and embrace your calling as his ambassador to your workplace mission field (2 Cor 5:17–21).
- Earn the trust of co-workers by demonstrating honesty, integrity, respect, and genuine care for others.
- Pray: before calls/meetings; as you walk through your workplace; for co-workers, including difficult personalities.
- Remember that excellent work is excellent work, no matter what type of work it is.
Stand Boldly
- Believe your identity as God’s chosen, beloved daughter. He has given you full inheritance rights through his son, Jesus Christ (Gal 4:4–7).
- Strengthen your faith by building on the foundation of God and his Word. Commit to reading a passage of Scripture each day, including study Bible notes.
- Cultivate a heart of gratitude by praising God for who he is. Name at least one new thing each day for which you’re thankful.
- Affirm daily that Christ in you is enough. For everything.
Sisters, God created each one of us in his image. And through Jesus, we have been adopted into his family. Our identity from here through eternity reigns as daughters of the Most High God. Believe boldly as you walk and work with Jesus today.
Join together with working women across the country as we breakthrough boldly, belong boldly, and believe boldly. How? Check out boldlyconference.com.
Let’s pray. Gracious God, “courage” and “boldness” can feel daunting, especially when we struggle with exhaustion, uncertainty, abrasive people, and the darkness in our world. Give us eyes to see others as you see them. Grant us grace as we seek you in our work. And draw us near so we may grow in our love and trust for you and others. Amen.