
Comments? Sept 20

We are almost through the E/E discussion (7 of 9 traits are up). Are entires in a subject area like this helpful? I am trying to determine if this kind of blog topic series is worth the time an effort.

We are almost through the E/E discussion (7 of 9 traits are up). Are entires in a subject area like this helpful? I am trying to determine if this kind of blog topic series is worth the time an effort. Please let me know by adding your comments/reactions/questions to the recent comments column. To do that, simply check on a comments box tied to this series.


  • Andy Manning

    Dr. Bock, I think your
    Dr. Bock, I think your thoughts on E/E are very important, and very helpful. I am a young pastor / church planter. At the exact time I planted a church about 18 months ago, my friend started another church in the same town. He has adopted the E/E philosophy of ministry, while my philosophy of ministry is more influenced by Willow Creek, Saddleback, and Fellowship in Grapevine, TX, where I was a member during seminary. Unfortunately, I have not studied deeply on E/E, so your blogs have been very helpful to me. They have provided insight into the pros and cons of the movement, and I feel more qualified to engage in a discussion with my church planter friend. What I’m learning so far, is that E/E is not at all about methodology, it is about ecclesiology, philosophy, and theology. It’s more than just a different way to do church. It is seemingly redefining church altogether. While this movement seems to reject Rick Warren and Bill Hybels, much of what E/E emphasizes can be found in the writings of Warren and Hybels. I still strongly believe in the power of the weekend seeker service, which E/E seems to bash. But I also strongly emphasize the importance of moving from being a customer to a participating member. It seems that much of what E/E emphasizes is not new, but is merely taking a youth ministry approach with adults.