Doing a Lunchtime Bible Study at Work
I know several women who have tried gathering co-workers together in their workplace for a weekly women’s Bible study over the lunch break. Though the idea sounds inviting, in reality the time allotment just doesn’t work very well. Most published women’s studies involve too much homework for the average working mom to be able to do at home with her restricted time. And, any accompanying videos are just too long to leave room in the weekly gathering for discussion and getting to know one another. At best, a workplace lunch break allows for 45 minutes. My daughter and I were discussing this challenge just last week—trying to find something that fits and will keep the attention of the women co-workers you’ve invited to join you. She’s tried a few that just didn’t work well in that setting. Having been in a work environment recently, I understand that need and can now share some resources to meet it.
Besides the time constraint for a lunchtime Bible study in the workplace, there is also the wide variety of Bible knowledge background or lack of that each woman brings to the group. And, if you are like me, you don’t want to study a book that refers to the Bible, you want to get everyone into the Bible for themselves. The best solution is a Bible study that is simple enough for anyone to understand, short enough to be done together during that lunch hour, and asking them to do only reading and reflecting on some short Bible passages at home.
Over the past years as I have gone to many churches to train women for disciplemaking in their personal lives, I have seen the need for Bible studies designed especially for anyone new to the Bible. So many adult women these days have never learned to read or study the Bible for themselves. When they try one of our typical women’s studies, they feel lost and ignorant because most studies assume previous Bible knowledge. It can be very discouraging.
So, the Lord has led me to prepare several beginners’ Bible studies that are perfect not only for one-on-one discipling of new Christians but also could be easily done during the typical lunch break at work. The series of short and easy books is called Graceful Beginnings. Each book contains Bible lessons that are basic, easy to understand, using simple terms and very relationship-with-God oriented. I also use these for online studies because they can be covered in about an hour and fifteen minutes.
Currently there are eight short and easy studies available:
- A Fresh Start – This one covers the first steps towards a new life in Christ. Basic foundational truths about who Jesus is, who God is, who the Holy Spirit is, and how to live in this new relationship with God. Read online. Download pdf.
- Painting the Portrait of Jesus — Covers the self-portrait of Jesus using His seven “I am” statements in the gospel of John. Get to know who He is and why He is someone we want to follow. Read online. Download pdf.
- The God You Can Know — A quick look into the attributes of our Father God and why His love can be trusted. Read online. Download pdf.
- Grace Overflowing — Looking at how Christ is revealed in Paul’s 13 letters and how we can live in His grace daily. Read online. Download pdf.
- The Walk from Fear to Faith — Trusting God with your fears. Read online. Download pdf.
- Satisfied by His Love — Let Jesus satisfy your heart with the goodness of His love. Read online. Download pdf.
- Seek the Treasure — A short and easy study of Ephesians. Download pdf.
- Pathways to a Joyful Walk — 6 pathways leading to a rewarding spiritual life. Download pdf.
My purpose is to get women into the Bible with a sense of confidence and joy. For anyone reading this blog who works in an environment with other women, please try a lunchtime Bible study using these books.
Read or listen to “Launch: Use Your Workday Lunch Break for Disciplemaking.”
More Resources:
- Lifestyle Disciplemaking Resources
- Leadership Resources (checklists and pdfs)