As we prepare for Resurrection Sunday, what do you believe?
Do you believe that Christ died on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins and then rose again on the third day?
For me, this is what I believe and I will celebrate Easter this way:
Those who believe in
His Death and Resurrection have: Everlasting Live
Jesus defeated death for all those
who believe in Him. My home is
not this earth…it is in heaven with
Him forever.
Those who rejoice in
His Death and Resurrection have: Adoration for the Son
God loves us so much that He gave
His son as a sacrifice for our sins.
I rejoice and love Jesus for His
Those who worship Him for
His Death and Resurrection have: Sins Forgiven
Jesus died for the forgiveness of
our sins. My sins have been forgiven.
Those who celebrate
His Death and Resurrection have: Thankful Hearts
Jesus rose from the dead on the
third day. I celebrate and give
thanks to Jesus for what He did
for me.
Those who praise Him for
His Death and Resurrection have: Eternal Hope
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the
life, no one comes to the Father
except through Him. I sing praises
to Jesus because I have hope in a
life with Him forever.
Those who embrace Him for
His Death and Resurrection have: Redemption by the Blood
Jesus shed His blood to redeem
us from our sins, I embrace
Him with all my heart for His
redeeming blood.
Happy Easter!
Thanks for the post
Thanks for the post
Lisa Goodyear
God Bless You!
I am so glad you enjoyed this post Lisa. May God bless you and draw you into a closer relationship with Him.