Good Friday Seder Guide for Families
Good Friday is sometimes overlooked by resurrection Sunday, but it is a valuable opportunity to reflect and remember. Especially as we think about how to express the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice to the children in our lives.
So often we mention the cross but celebrate the hope of the resurrection too soon. We don’t allow ourselves or our children to enter into the loss. The suffering of Jesus. The significance of his blood.
In order to rejoice in the resurrection, we must teach our kids (and ourselves) to sit in the reality of the cross a little longer. To recognize the weight of the fact that sin deserves death and we need a covering.
So, I took creative influence from the Passover Seder and Jesus’ last supper—and wrote a GOOD FRIDAY SEDER GUIDE. Our kids had a blast last year as we entered the story of the Exodus with our senses and how Jesus is our Passover Lamb. Even our two-year-old paid attention.
I hope your —>FREE COPY<—- of my Good Friday Seder Guide blesses you or those in your life who have children.

This experience is great for all ages. If you don’t have kids—do it with the loved ones in your home! I hope it becomes a meaningful tradition for you as it has become for us.
Much love,

P.S. What is an Easter tradition that you love that keeps your focus on Jesus? Please share with us!
This post first appeared on SeanaScott.org