
Home going of Bruce Metzger – Feb 14

The passing of Bruce Metzger represents the home-going of one of the great Christian statesmen and New Testament scholars of the last century. Known for his judicious work on the New Testament texts and translations, he also served for years on the committee responsible for the Greek New Testament Text of the United Bible Societies, editing the textual commentary that was associated with this text.

The passing of Bruce Metzger represents the home-going of one of the great Christian statesmen and New Testament scholars of the last century. Known for his judicious work on the New Testament texts and translations, he also served for years on the committee responsible for the Greek New Testament Text of the United Bible Societies, editing the textual commentary that was associated with this text. Metzger stayed connected to the church while teaching for years at Princeton Theological Seminary. The respect he engendered and his dear personal style meant his contacts ranged across several denominational and non-denominational lines. His commitment to the classic kinds of textual studies, like textual criticism, as will his balanced, irenic approach to debated questions is a lesson for us all.

One Comment

  • Steven

    When I first came to CHRIST
    When I first came to CHRIST I went and joined a small pentecostal/kjv only ‘church’. They would always look down on scholars, making them out to be non-spiritual. However when I read lee strobel’s the case for CHRIST, I realized they (my previous church) were very wrong.While I have only recently left that “church”, looking back on that, most of the people in the book were incredibly spiritual people….driven by truth, and 98% ofthe people in that “church”
    were incredibly loud——people….driven by fear. Bruce metzger stood out in my head, the chapter started with an impressive resume,and it-ended with a strong confirmation of his faith.
    It was actualy this interview that helped motivate me to start studying greek, and while I just started GGBB, and his textual critcsism is still a ways off for me, I prasie GOD for using Mr.Metzger : In his contributions,and in that interview.