
Is debt an acceptable four letter word in your home?

As I mentioned in my last post, I had the great honor of being on Dr. Randy Carlson’s Intentional Living radio program. During one of the hours, he asked me a question about our government’s debt situation. My response was to the effect that neither our government, nor families can live in a perpetual situation where we spend more than we make! He agreed and as I have continued to ponder the question, I believe there is more to his inquiry than I first realized.

As I mentioned in my last post, I had the great honor of being on Dr. Randy Carlson’s Intentional Living radio program. During one of the hours, he asked me a question about our government’s debt situation. My response was to the effect that neither our government, nor families can live in a perpetual situation where we spend more than we make! He agreed and as I have continued to ponder the question, I believe there is more to his inquiry than I first realized.

My initial thoughts drifted to this question. Did the government begin to amass great debt first or did families debt issues spill over to the government? Have you ever wondered, “Where did the problem first begin?” This may open a can of worms, but the issue is similar to the old chicken and egg question and may not have a discernable answer.

I searched the web to find an answer to my question, and it seems that most everyone has an opinion, but few have answers! As I scanned through article after article I came to the realization that my question may not be the best one to consider. Although, we need to learn from the past, I believe that our future is where we need to focus.

As I looked at this chart, my heart began to sink, but I think God has given us a fantastic opportunity if we are prepared! As the debt in our country continues to rise, if we have been financially responsible, we may have one of the greatest opportunities to share how biblical principles have affected our lives!

I want to encourage you to take a serious look at your finances. Are you using the money God has placed into your control in a way that honors Him or honors you? Are you teaching your children about money and being an example for your children? Could someone know you are a Christ follower by the way you utilize money?

If you are not using the money in your control for God and His purposes, I would encourage you to right the ship. If you are using your money for Christ, I believe you will have an amazing chance to share His truth with others experiencing financial trouble.

Don’t let debt be an acceptable four letter word in your home!