Morning Prayer
Good morning, Lord.
I am grateful that, once again, you have offered me a new day as an incredible gift to unwrap and enjoy. Thank you that it is not a blank slate waiting to be filled, but a treasure chest beckoning to be explored. Thank you that it holds the glorious joy of your presence and the reassuring promise of your will. Help me to hold each new experience as a precious jewel, to marvel at and delight in. For this is the day you made (Psalm 118:24). From the rising of this morning’s sun to its setting (Psalm 113:3), may you be praised as I rejoice and be glad in it.
You have already filled this day with so much. Even before I am fully awake you are quietly wooing me to seek you first (Matthew 6:33). Your new mercies have been put in place (Lamentations 3:22-23), ready to be poured out on each failure and in every moment of fatigue. You have prepared a table of refreshment to replenish me when I feel overwhelmed (Psalm 23:5). Today’s daily bread is there, already broken for me (1 Corinthians 11:24) and its sweet aroma invites me to taste and see your goodness (Psalm 34:8).
As I pull back the covers, I open a page of my life that you wrote before I was born (Psalm 139:16). And as I plan my schedule, I peer down the righteous path you have already carved out for me to walk in (Psalm 23:3). I begin to anticipate the good works you have prepared for me to do along the way (Ephesians 2:10). You are already celebrating my victories (Zephaniah 3:17), already beaming over my accomplishments (Matthew 25:21), already forgiving my trespasses (Ephesians 4:32).
Before I begin the day, may I think circumspectly on the choices you have carefully set out for me. This day may it be: you I serve (Joshua 24:15); your voice I follow (John 10:27); your likeness I conform to (Romans 8:29); your kingdom I seek (Matthew 6:33); your will I do (Matthew 6:10); your glory displayed (1 Corinthians 10:31).
And at the close of the day may I look back and see just how your goodness and mercy have followed me this day as they have every day of my life (Psalm 23:6). Amen.