Many people make New Year resolutions. Some are personal goals but others focus on work and ministry. I would like to challenge us, as teachers, to make one New Year resolution that will empower our teaching. This new method will not only change the lives of our children but is guaranteed to change our lives too, as we hear, believe and live out the truth of our position in Christ.
When I was being trained by Child Evangelism Fellowship, I was taught that every lesson should contain a PAS (personal application the saved) and a PAU (personal application to the unsaved). These thoughts are just one sentence of truth drawn from the lesson that you repeat at least 3 times for saved and emphasize once for the unsaved as you weave the gospel message throughout the lesson. I have always enjoyed looking for these nuggets of truth in every passage of the Bible.
This year, I realized just how many people have no real foundation in their position in Christ. Most believers understand the basics about salvation and life in Christ but how many dive down deep in their position in Christ? For those who haven’t been using the PAS and PAU method of driving the truth home in your lessons, I would challenge you this year to begin.
A PAS might be something as simple as “If you have asked Jesus into your heart you should know that God loves you and has a plan for your life.” As we search each passage to find the simple but profound truth of that passage that God would have our saved children remember, I would challenge us to find creative ways to add foundational positional truths into each PAS. For example, the above PAS might be rewritten to say, “If you have asked Jesus into your heart, you are a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and God has a plan for your life.”
Here are some foundational truths that we need to hammer deep into the fabric of the lives of believers: Some are long enough that they may have to be the PAS while others are easily worked into the main message as a good reminder of who we are in Crhist.

Great thoughts and good counsel
Thanks for the post
Suzi Ciliberti
thanks SonShine for your encouragement. It means a lot to me! 🙂