
Post on Ann Coulter – June 29

I have posted a piece on Ann Coulter at Thanks to David Kuo for the challenge to do so. Our body politic deserves and needs better than the tone approaches like hers raise.

You can see the full post at:

I really think that people need to think through her approach.

It is not a healthy way to engage.

I have posted a piece on Ann Coulter at Thanks to David Kuo for the challenge to do so. Our body politic deserves and needs better than the tone approaches like hers raise.

You can see the full post at:

I really think that people need to think through her approach.

It is not a healthy way to engage.

Here is the opening….

Godless Author Needs to Think Again–And So Do We

As a theologian I have been watching with interest for some time the tone of some of our political discourse. In sum, it often resembles what one might expect to hear on an elementary school playground. So maybe some straight talk to five year olds is in order. The only problem is that it is not just the two families that are being invoked but the entire community of our body politic. There is a genuine need for a respectful engagement on the real issues of our time, not a polemicizing, self-promoting, mocking handling of opponents. Nothing has made that more apparent than the “work” and approach of Ann Coulter….

For the rest, go to the URL:


  • Anonymous

    Ann Coulter
    Hi Dr. Bock,
    I had to post your column on Ann Coulter because it was so good. I tied a link back to David Kuo’s blog as well. Thanks for the sound thoughts on the subject. I’ve always thought that there as something wrong with what Ann was doing, but never gave it enough thought to put my finger on it. Thanks for giving it the thought.

    BTW, I am still teaching out of the book of Luke, thanks to your class I took in 1999. 🙂

  • bock

    Ann Coulter
    Well, the site now has two blogs on the topic plus some responses to the comments. It is interesting to watch the responses, especially those quick to defend because of the “side” she represents. It raises questions about the church as a force for good regardless of the way in which a stance is taken. The right thing done wrong is still wrong.