

My husband is Mr. LIVE RIGHT NOW, and I am Mrs. LOOK TO TOMORROW. Someone’s gotta be forward thinking, right? But I confess that I’m not forward thinking. I’m just plain worrying. And, with that confession I hear Jesus and his admonition not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough worries of its own. Then, what’s a gal to do?

My husband is Mr. LIVE RIGHT NOW, and I am Mrs. LOOK TO TOMORROW. Someone’s gotta be forward thinking, right? But I confess that I’m not forward thinking. I’m just plain worrying. And, with that confession I hear Jesus and his admonition not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough worries of its own. Then, what’s a gal to do?

As the worries thump against my chest, I steal away for a bit of silence. A moment of closed eyes and a prayer that reminds me God’s got it—I don’t. Well, I practice silence on the days I’m thinking clearly. On other days, I watch some TV or veg in front of a book, but eventually, the ignoring the worrying catches up and I find myself where I should’ve been all along. Humbled and quiet.

Silence scares me with its relentless call that I am not doing something useful. Yes, that’s right; in the midst of all that’s swirling around me, I am sitting still. But that’s the point: my uselessness. It’s my idea of my usefulness that gets in the way of me actually trusting God as I hold tightly too to the reigns.

Therefore, I call for a moment of silence in our lives today. Make it a few minutes. Oh yes, it’s uncomfortable at first. I find the best way is to set an alarm. Then you don’t keep looking up to see if you’ve finished your fifteen minutes of remembering that to LIVE RIGHT NOW means actually knowing that NOW exists.

Jamie Lath is a middle child that has no baby picture without her older sister in it. Even with only two siblings, she grew up with family everywhere because all her aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and even second-cousins lived in her hometown. With forty people at her birthday parties (all relatives) and her sister in every picture, she knows a little about community, and it's everlastingness. This has brought most of her ministry focus into meeting people where they're at, listening closely (especially to those who feel voiceless and like no one is listening), and helping them find God's voice in the mix. Jamie graduated with a BA in Communication Studies from the University of North Texas. Following a year of teaching English in China, she returned to the states to attend Dallas Theological Seminary. She received a Th.M. with a focus on Media Arts. Her background in the arts (ballet, writing, and acting) has given her an understanding of how creative expressions can give people a safe place to begin exploring how to use their voice and how it can touch hearts to hear God’s voice. She also blogs at I just called to say "Olive Juice."


  • Heather A. Goodman

    I struggle with this idea as
    I struggle with this idea as well–sitting silent when there’s so much to do. But I’m learning!

  • tim

    I am Mr. Live Right Now
    I also am Mr. Live Right Now (funny we have the same name), and it is very difficult to be in a relationship with someone who worries. I pray that in our hectic lives, my wife can find quiet and start to worry less.

    • Jamie Lath

      If you wanna help
      One thing I find helpful is someone who can compassionately ask questions that walk me through my worries and perhaps even help me create a plan to deal with them. I deal with a lot of "what ifs" and just plain lies about the present and future. If you can really be in it with your wife and walk with her while she finds the root of the worry, I believe it’ll help (if she’s anything like me). I mean, who can’t use a friend in times of trouble who is willing to walk a mile in her shoes?