
Succeeding at Ministry to Men in the Local Church – Part II: Steps to Success

Step 1 – Pray, Pray, Pray

Ask God to send the leaders for the Men’s Ministry that will honor Him. Ask God to help you recognize them when they arrive. Some of the leaders that “show up” may act like they were born in a barn – so was Jesus! Historically, wounded and healing leaders are what God uses best. 

Partner and pray (1) regularly with:

  • God
  • The Men’s Ministry leadership team
  • Your Pastor

Ask God how we can honor and glorify Him via a Men’s Ministry?

Listen for the answer: (1)

  • Still small voice
  • The Word of God
  • Other men
  • Circumstances

Do not create a strategy for the Men’s Ministry and ask God to bless it. Do seek God for His strategy for Men’s Ministry in your church. Wait on the Lord – for as long as it takes – to clearly know the first step. God typically builds slowly so as to establish a strong foundation. Furthermore, God rarely gives more than one step at a time (i.e., it is a faith walk).

We are constantly on a stretch, if not a strain, to devise new methods, new plans, new organizations to advance the church and secure enlargement and efficiency for the GOSPEL… MEN are God’s method. The CHURCH is looking for better methods; God is looking for better MEN… The Holy Spirit does not flow through methods but through MEN. He does not empower machinery, but MEN. He does not bless plans, but MEN of PRAYER (3)

The key to effective prayer is an intimate relationship with God. Likewise, the key to effective Men’s Ministry is an intimate relationship with other men who share a growing intimate relationship with God.

Men’s Ministry is about relationships, not events, not tasks, and not rules. Praying together sets the pattern for a relationship-based Men’s Ministry.

Prayer Driven

In Sid Woodruff’s “Success Strategies for Men’s Ministry” (Lifeway), he highlights the importance of having the church’s men’s ministry be founded and fueled by prayer. The need for a men’s prayer team remains constant even as other aspects of the ministry may change. So, from the beginning, there must be a group of men gathering regularly to pray for the needs of their church and their men’s ministry. Woodruff reminds us that “Men will grow weary without the supernatural power of the Spirit of God, who grants wisdom, encouragement, and power for ministry to those who call upon Him.” 

Active, Supportive Pastor

Do not overlook, at this stage, the critical role of an active and supportive Pastor. He should feel strongly that having a successful and growing men’s ministry is a key component of his ministry and to the church’s growth and mission work. The Pastor should be an active member of the men’s group and serve as its Spiritual Advisor. Although he should not be totally relied on as the only teacher and prayer leader, he should be called on at appropriate intervals to teach and guide the men spiritually. A Men’s Ministry that lacks the full support and/or involvement of the Pastor risks being out of synch with the overall ministry of the church, and undesired misunderstandings and divisions can result. 

Step 2a – Pen Your Purpose

Distill the vision God gives you into a concise purpose statement. A purpose statement ensures that your Men’s Ministry is “purpose” driven instead of “event” driven by:

  • Maintaining the focus of “why” your Men’s Ministry exists.
  • Assisting in decision making of what to do or not do.
  • It allows you to “play to your strengths.”
Purpose Driven

As indicated previously, having a clear and agreed-upon vision and purpose for a church’s Men’s Ministry will help it stay on track and focused on its strengths, and will serve as the basis for decision-making regarding ministry direction. Your vision and purpose statements should be concise, measurable, and in harmony with church goals. We believe that they serve to define the important Biblical parameters of your balanced ministry and to limit your activities to only those as defined by your clear and agreed-upon purpose statement.

Step 2b – Publish Your Purpose

Widely publicize your Men’s Ministry purpose statement:

  • Use Scriptures that explain the Biblical basis for your purpose statement.
  • Create a brand or logo that can be displayed on shirts, hats, bulletin boards, newsletters, etc.
  • Invent easy-to-remember slogans.

Restate the purpose to all the men in your church at least monthly. The men must learn it by heart.

Step 2c – Practice Your Purpose

Live out your purpose statement before the men:

  • Connect all Men’s Ministry activities to the fulfillment of the purpose statement and relate this to the men at events.
  • Share testimonies of how the lives of men have been changed in activities centered around the purpose statement.
  • Personalize the purpose statement so that it attracts others and helps them see their part in the ministry.

Step 3a – Evangelize and Establish

Importance of a Balanced Men’s Ministry

This Ministry to Men and Ministry by Men balance is one of the essential ingredients of success in a men’s group.

In LifeWay’s excellent Men’s Ministry Manual, “Drawing Men to God,” Sid Woodruff identifies the four cornerstones of a balanced men’s ministry: 

  • Evangelize Men to Salvation and into the Church 
  • Establish Men to Spiritual Maturity 
  • Equip Men for Ministry 
  • Extend Men on Missions 

We believe that a Men’s Ministry should have these four cornerstones in order to have a balanced Men’s Ministry. 

Balanced – Outreach, Spiritual Growth, Equipping, and Missions

Men’s Ministry should be balanced – Ministry to Men and Ministry by Men. Rather than simply gathering men to just eat, fellowship and/or do work, men should first see their role as brothers in Christ…. repenting, worshipping, praying, learning, sharing together and helping each other to grow in Christ-likeness. The Men’s Ministry should incorporate several methods for disciplining men to spiritual maturity. This can include making your monthly meetings less business and program-oriented, and more focused on testimonies, teaching, praise, and small group prayer. Separate men’s Bible study groups should be established and encouraged. Men should also be encouraged to come together weekly in small accountability and prayer groups. These and other approaches will help fulfill Proverbs 27:17 (“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”) 

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17 ESV)
ADDIE a Men’s Development Program:
  • Analysis  Phase
  • Design Phase
  • Development Phase
  • Implementation Phase
  • Evaluation Phase

This is commonly known as the Systems Approach to Training (SAT): 

Analysis Phase

  • What do we want our men to become?
  • What knowledge and skills do they need to know in order to become this?

Design Phase

  • What is the best way to teach our men this knowledge and skills?
  • How can we measure their progress?

Development Phase

  • Is there existing material we can use?
  • Contact other ministries for developed material.

Implementation Phase

  • Publicize the start of the training.
  • Have an entry point periodically for new men.
  • Continuously offer the courses to move the men from spiritual children to spiritual young men to spiritual fathers.

Evaluation Phase

  • Ask for feedback from the men upon completion of each course.
  • Adjust the program based on feedback.

Pilot the development program on the Men’s Leadership Team. All men must actively participate in the development program. No grandfathering – all courses must be completed. Provide a means of accelerated program completion for more mature believers (e.g., self-study with accountability, on-line courses).

Personal Evangelism – Sharing Jesus Without Fear

One of the major cornerstones of men’s ministry is evangelizing men to salvation and into the church. As godly men, we are called by our Lord to “go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mark 16:15).

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15 NET)

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) is a clear command, not a suggestion or optional assignment, to share Jesus with those around us.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19,20)

This is God’s plan to “bring in the harvest.” Therefore, all saved Christians are to share the message of salvation in our ungodly world, leading the lost to the saving grace of Christ. Accordingly, a major element of your Men’s Ministry is to encourage and equip each man to actively and boldly evangelize the lost. We should all be actively sharing our faith with others, particularly other men. It has been determined that when men accept Christ and grow spiritually, over 90% of the families will follow. It is the greatest gift we could ever give a friend, neighbor, co-worker or loved one. Your men should participate regularly on the church Visitation Team and visit the homes of new and prospective members as well as people who sign a visitor’s card at one of your services. As men of God, growing in Christ, we should all prepare ourselves to win others to Jesus and disciple them in their walk (1 Peter 3:15).

But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess. (1 Peter 3:15 NET)

Each man should be able to give his personal testimony and to present the salvation story with appropriate supporting Scriptures. This is simply a matter of obedience to God’s Word and personal commitment, prayer, and practice. Are you uncomfortable sharing the salvation story with a family member, friend or others? There are several good programs and booklets that help with this process. Each of us should be able to “Share Jesus Without Fear.” 

Step 3b – Equip and Extend

Spiritual Growth/Discipleship – Ministry to Men

We believe that men cannot “truly be on their feet for God unless they first get on their knees before His throne.” This being our first priority, we recommend several methods for disciplining men to spiritual maturity, including small accountability groups, weekly men’s Bible studies, one-on-one disciplining, etc. As the men grow spiritually, they are more willing to share their testimony, discover and use their spiritual gifts, and lead their families in daily devotions. Each and every Men’s Ministry meeting should start with praise, prayer, testimonies, Biblical teaching, and personal sharing before we focus on our mission and outside ministries. Our emphasis is on Ministry to Men as well as Ministry by Men.

Thank you, Jesus, for all you have done for me. I pray that I can grow to be more like You every day. Thank you for my brothers who help and encourage me. Through and for You, I will use the gifts You have given me to serve those in need and to bring others to know You.

As they grow spiritually together, men will become internally motivated by the Holy Spirit to read and obey God’s Word and to discover and activate their spiritual gifts to serve others. This inside-out approach builds Biblical men whose changed heart convicts them to become godly husbands and fathers and to eagerly get involved in personal evangelism and local, national and/or international missions. 

Provide mandatory continuing training:
  • To reinforce development program courses
  • To address current weaknesses in the men
  • To expose the men to current popular teaching related to men
  • To reach men in the community
Provide opportunities to move men from theory to practice.

Match the men to ministry and position based on:

  • Spiritual Gifts
  • Experiences
  • Relational Style
  • Vocational Skills
  • Enthusiasm

Men will begin to devote much of their otherwise free, leisure time to working for the Lord. As men grow in their walk with Christ, they are convicted by His calling on their life. These spiritually maturing men activate their spiritual gifts in ministry and service to others. Getting started in some of these mission projects, especially those around the community, can be fantastic experiences and blessings for the men. Once men get involved and help people less fortunate, their hearts are never the same. As men get a taste of mission work and continue to grow spiritually, they will generally stay involved in outside missions. As our Lord promised, “He will finish the good work started in us.” These projects allow men to show Christ’s love and share Him with those they are helping. Our Lord left no Christian man out in His distribution of gifts and talents to do His work. None are more important than any other -the man that cleans the kitchen is as special to our Lord as the man who does the teaching or rebuilds the roof. All men are uniquely gifted and the leaders should help each man discover his giftedness and use it in service for our Lord. Strive to be a “gifts permissive” ministry, where you help and encourage men to discover and use their unique gifts in ministry for God. Encourage men to join one or more of the existing ministry teams or start a new one.

Step 4 – Launch the Ministry

Open to and culturally relevant to All Men – Multiple Entry Points

The men’s group in the church can sometimes be seen by other men of the church to be one dimensional in its focus and mission work. This is often unintentional and may result from the good efforts of a small group called to a particular work. However, in order to have broad appeal to the men of the church, the ministry should be seen as (and be) broad-based in its outreach and open to all men. Furthermore, men of the church and the surrounding community often have different backgrounds, incomes, interests, and needs. The Men’s Ministry should establish ways (e.g. small groups) to reach out to, connect with, and appeal to men of varying interests. Try to form special groups, activities, and ministries that will help your men connect with other men, whom they perceive that are like themselves. These “comfortable” entry points will bring new men into the ministry. 

Well planned meetings

As Paul recorded in 1 Corinthians, God wants order in His church. Therefore, men’s meetings should not be left to chance. Yes, it is true that through prayer and seeking God’s direction, the Holy Spirit will guide the men’s gatherings. However, prayerful preplanning, and developing a well-thought-out agenda helps make Men’s Ministry meetings run smoothly and orderly, while still allowing the Holy Spirit to flow freely in your gathering. 

Meetings -Why, When and How Long

Everyone has their own opinions about the purpose, frequency, and length of meetings. The following represents what we believe works best for many. We recognize there are several options for effective men’s meetings. 

Why Meet?

Men in the church should meet at least monthly to build trusting relationships, through which they can help each other know and trust Christ and grow in His likeness. A large monthly meeting is a good format for general fellowship, personal testimonies, Bible teachings, business/mission project discussions, and for bringing new men into the group. Meetings also provide a good forum to discuss ways to support the spiritual growth of youth in the church and talk about ways to raise godly children and grandchildren in a godless society. During meetings, men can encourage each other to share their faith and discover and use their unique spiritual gifts to serve others for Christ. A separate regular prayer gathering of dedicated “prayer warriors” to specifically pray for men and the Men’s Ministry is vital and perhaps the most important aspect of our ministry.

When to Meet?

The leadership team should meet one Saturday morning each month for a light breakfast, a devotional, extended prayer time, and a meeting to discuss Men’s Ministry business. The Saturday morning prayer time should be an intentional prayer session in which you pray specifically for your Men’s Ministry and special needs of your church and men. This small leadership team, typically a small group of dedicated “prayer warriors,” including Men’s Ministry leaders, the pastor, deacons and other men, should meet at the church for this important prayer time. You might even consider a manly prayer walk around the church following the prayer time and before the meeting. However, other men might not join this type of group or may have legitimate work and family conflicts on Saturdays. Consequently, a weeknight meeting (e.g., Tuesday night) should be utilized for all men in the church and also open to men in the community. We believe that the twice-a-month gatherings of your men represent a good balance and frequency through which you can grow together as men of God.

Important! One Ministry, Not Two!

Although we recognize men with young families may have somewhat different issues than older men, we do not encourage two separate men’s groups divided by age, interests, or meeting times. You should not have a separate morning group and an evening group, a Baptist Men’s group and a Promise Keeper group, a young men’s group and an older men’s group. You should have only one Men’s Ministry with several sub-ministries. Therefore, all interests, needs, and giftedness can be addressed without splitting the main body. We encourage all the men to attend every meeting their schedule will permit and to place the Men’s Ministry and its activities high on their priority list. Typically, the men who attend Saturday morning prayer meetings will also attend Tuesday nights. Several men also participate in weekly prayer, accountability, and Bible study groups. 

How Long to Meet?

The big monthly gathering on Tuesday nights should include dinner and last about 2 hours (e.g., 6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.). We believe one hour is too short and any longer than 2 or 2 ½ hours is too long. Not everyone agrees, but it works for us. 

Meeting Content, Key Elements, and Agenda

The word “meeting” is not really descriptive of what a monthly men’s gathering should include. You could use terms like Worship Rally, Fellowship Gathering, Prayer and Praise, Sharing Time, Mission Meeting, Prayer and Program, etc. The point is that you should do all of these things every time you meet monthly, and what you call it is not nearly as important as what it is, why you do it and, of course, what God does with it.

Much of your growth and excitement will come from your focus on putting God first, making sure that every meeting is also a worship service. A balance of spiritual growth content and mission work discussion in your meetings is about 2/3 and 1/3, respectively. We believe this effectively incorporates the “ministry to men” ingredients of Promise Keepers with the “ministry by men” programs of Baptist Men.

The following Key Elements should be incorporated into each monthly evening meeting, normally in this order: 

  • Fellowship Time, Blessing (and Dinner) 
  • Praise and Worship -Standing and Singing Together 
  • Prayer Requests and Opening Prayer 
  • Welcome Guests and Brief Introductory Comments 
  • Testimony/Devotional
  • Teaching from Scripture (spiritual development applied to men) 
  • Pastor Comments 
  • Small-Group Prayer and Sharing Time (3 to 5 men groups) 
  • Monthly Mandate Mission Video 
  • Missions, Ministries and Youth Activity Reports -Ministry Team Leaders 
  • Administrative Announcements 
  • Final Song and Closing Prayer 

This order of events in our gatherings prepares our hearts for the Holy Spirit to convict us, teach us, and guide us. We can then continue to work together to grow in Christ and be internally motivated by God to do His work. We believe this is essential, as we stated earlier in this material.

Prepare and distribute an agenda for every meeting. While this may appear unnecessary and overkill, the men will like the order and clarity it brings to your meetings. While we attempt to stay on our agenda, we try not to rush through our meeting or eliminate items through which the Holy Spirit is leading us.

As far as who does the teaching, pick those who are blessed and called to teach (not just the Pastor) and men who step forward (with a week’s notice or so) to give a testimony or devotional (their salvation story and/or what God has been doing in their life).

During your regular monthly meetings, after the personal testimony and Bible teaching, always break into small groups of 4 to 6 men for approximately 15 minutes for prayer and sharing. This gives men the opportunity to share prayer requests and concerns or burdens that they may not be comfortable sharing in a large assembled group. Men have said that this “small group” time is often the highlight of our monthly men’s gathering. 

Host periodic “momentum-building” events (2-4 times a year):

Some examples are:

  • A seminar on men’s issues
  • Man in the Mirror
  • Promise Keepers
  • Gathering of Men
  • An influential speaker at a Saturday morning breakfast
  • A father and son breakfast

The strategy should be to have different types of motivational events in order to reach the following types of men:

  • Those that are about to be saved
  • Cultural Christians
  • Disciples, or those who want to be
  • Leaders, or those who want to be
  • The wounded and hurting

Holding periodic momentum-building events or attending a Promise Keepers meeting (which are large-scale momentum-building events) are adrenaline for your Men’s Ministry. They are motivational. They create excitement, interest, converts, and get the message out. They will give you a quantum leap forward. Plan to hold an event, not more than quarterly (rest your players) and not less than twice a year (an entire year between events seems light). Men equate money with value; therefore, do charge enough for the event to make it seem valuable to the men but not cost-prohibitive.

Invite a men’s speaker to your church. Host a “Success That Matters” seminar. Hold an evangelistic luncheon in a downtown club or country club. Plan an evangelistic fishing retreat. Buy tables at your Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. Find out which national and regional Men’s Ministries are active in your city and meet with them to find out how you can work together. Support and co-host city-wide men’s events sponsored by others.

Caution: The problem with momentum-building events is that they only create momentum. The momentum must be captured, and then relationships must be built to sustain momentum. If the only reason men get together is to plan and execute events, what do they do when the event is over? What is the basis for continuing to be together?

Remember, relationships are the glue that will keep men together. Maintain a dual focus between events to provide energy and relationships to keep your men together. Be proactive in the planning process as to how an event is going to deepen relationships among the men.

Sustained by Trusting Relationships

We agree strongly with Sid Woodruff when he says that believers are not to be “lone rangers.” He refers to the many “one another” (1) passages in the Bible that tell us that men need each other for encouragement, accountability and spiritual growth (Proverbs 27:17, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Romans 15:14, and Hebrews 10:24).

A Christian man needs to surround himself with trusted friends, who will be honest, transparent and confidential as weaknesses, struggles and burdens are shared. Having these Christ-centered relationships are crucial to building and maintaining an effective Men’s Ministry because men are far more interested in relationships than programs. 

The strategy needs to capture and sustain the momentum created by motivational events. Some ways of capturing this momentum are:

  • Grace-based Accountability Groups
  • Development Program Training entry
  • Continuing training focused on issues:
  • Victory over anger
  • Victory over sexual temptation
  • Victory over pride, etc.
  • Ministry projects (repairs for the elderly, furnish the poor, etc.)

Momentum-building events only create momentum. The momentum must be captured and sustained by forming and growing relationships. Relationships are the glue that will keep men together. Must strike the balance between motivational events and relationship-building events.

Discipleship Groups

This is the place where men receive ongoing spiritual care. There is no such thing as a Lone Ranger Christian. Men cannot do it on their own. We need other men to become all God wants us to be. Disciples are “pupils.” They are students of Jesus. They are men who desire to become more like Christ. 

These goals can best be accomplished in two types of discipleship groups. 

First, and most important, is an organized Bible study. I can say with confidence that I have never known a man whose life has changed in any significant way apart from the regular study of God’s Word. The Bible is the living Word that changes lives. And, in the end, success in ministry is changed life. Some groups study Christian books (like mine, for which I’m grateful), but book studies, fellowship groups, and prayer partner groups are no substitute for bringing men into direct contact with the living Lord through His living Word.

Second, and a close second, is an accountability group. We define accountability: “to be regularly answerable for each of the key areas of our lives to qualified people.” Accountability groups are a tool for men to get beyond news, sports, and weather. Accountability means to give permission to a small group of men to ask you how you are really doing. Accountability brings objectivity. Other men are able to help us add to our lives everything God would add and subtract from our lives everything God would subtract. We love and disciple both our weak and strong men.

Good Communications

We all know the value of good communications. We like to know what’s going on and we feel more attached to a group if we are “up on things.” Also, while we don’t always admit it, men appreciate getting a flyer, a note, or a phone call reminding us of a meeting or other important event. Part of your success at Men’s Ministry will be directly dependent upon regular communications to the men of the church and many other men in the surrounding area. Communicate aggressively with men, seeing it as a separate ministry. This ministry reaches out to men who are not active in church and/or Men’s Ministry. Provide information and encouragement to those who regularly attend the men’s meetings and are active in personal ministries.

Three most important things: Communications, Communications, and Communications

Don’t Keep the Men’s Ministry a Secret!!!

You do not want to hear “I didn’t know the men had a meeting Tuesday night. Sorry I missed it. Let me know when you guys are meeting again.” There is no substitute for good, quality communications. It is a Key Success Ingredient for Men’s Ministry. Consequently, we recommend forming two separate ministries to handle communications – the Newsletter/Mailings Team and the Calling/Membership Team. 

There are several ways that you can get the word out. Here are some proven methods:

Event Flyers 

Prepare an attention-getting 8 ½ x 11 flyer for each meeting. These are handed out to men on Sundays and often mailed with the Newsletter. They are also reduced to 4 ¼ x 5 ½ for insertion into the Sunday morning church service bulletin. Flyers are also posted prominently on bulletin boards and in the church men’s rooms.

Monthly Newsletter 

The Men’s Ministry Newsletter includes news of recent events, teachings especially for men, announcements, and dates for future programs and events, and names of new men in the church. The Newsletter is a major undertaking and is mailed to all men of the church, and also men from other churches who have visited and want to grow their ministry. As a minimum, insert a Men’s Ministry page in your church’s monthly newsletter. This Newsletter is a separate ministry of the Men’s Ministry and is read by both men and women of the church. With Computers and software like Word and Microsoft Publisher, preparing the newsletter is not as difficult as one might imagine. Still, it requires considerable commitment and effort. See your Men’s Ministry as reaching out and ministering to all men of the church and the community, not just those who attend the meetings. Therefore, the primary audience for the newsletter are the men who are not active in church and/or the men’s meetings. 

Monthly or Quarterly Mailing 

The men need to receive Men’s Ministry information once a month or quarterly, including important future events and dates. Periodically, also send a cover letter and other Men’s Ministry material, address lists, ministry opportunities, etc. Your men will look forward to receiving this informative mailing and may share it with their wives and other family members. 

Church Bulletin Notices/Inserts 

Announcements are included in the Sunday church bulletin. Have someone responsible to get these notices in the bulletin ib a timely manner. As previously noted, reduced versions of the event flyers are also inserted in the bulletins. 

Bulletin Board

The Men’s Ministry should have a large, prominently placed bulletin board in the classroom/fellowship area. The bulletin board should be kept up-to-date and well organized. It should contain the current Newsletter, event notices, ministry purpose, pictures of recent Men’s Ministry activities, Association and State-wide Men’s information and events, etc. Also, have a large brochure rack adjacent to the bulletin board, for copies of the newsletters, flyers, ministry information, etc. for people to take with them. 

Calling Ministry 

Have a ministry of men who call every man in the church once or twice a month to remind them of the next men’s meeting, and to just talk about anything from Men’s Ministry, church, fishing, golf, etc. The calling team should be made up of some of your best “talkers” (and listeners), who truly enjoy reaching out to the other men in this way. Seldom, if ever, have we had a man tell us to stop calling. More often than not, men look forward to the calls. This is true for active men who attend our meetings regularly, as well as men whom we seldom see around the church, even on Sunday. There is no way to determine how many men are at a particular meeting because they received the reminder/encouragement call from this team. It is probably more than we would guess. Many men have joined our ministry because of a “call,” so this is really also a new member committee. There are men in your church whom God will provide for this type of outreach. Just start the ministry and men will step forward without arm-twisting. Others will join them and spread the growing calling load. This is also a great ministry for men who are unable to do physical work. According to Man in the Mirror Ministries, you can triple your attendance at men’s events by forming a team responsible for phoning and inviting ten men each.

Ministry Brochure and Manual

As a start, have a one-page summary of your ministry and a multi-page in-depth description of all aspects of your ministry. Latter, produce a more formal compact Men’s Ministry brochure/flyer, as well as a flyer for each of your team ministries. They will be great for newcomers. 

Verbal Messages during Sunday Services 

Your pastor needs to routinely refer to your Men’s Ministry either in an announcement and/or occasionally weaving it into his sermon or comments. The pastor should often challenge your men to “put on their spiritual britches” as godly, Biblical men, called by God to spiritual headship in our homes. What a blessing to have your pastor frequently encourage all men to present on Sunday morning to get involved in ministry. Also, the announcement time on Sunday morning, led by the worship leader, a deacon, Men’s Ministry Director or a team leader, is a good time to make a verbal announcement to the entire congregation concerning one of your men’s meetings or special event.


Men should be given the opportunity to share how your Men’s Ministry or a Promise Keeper event, etc. has impacted their life. This can have a major impact on other men. Another good opportunity to witness is when the men conduct all aspects of the services (e.g., Men’s Day). 

Surveys and Input Sheets 

Having the men of the church, especially those active in the Men’s Ministry, fill out periodic interest survey forms is very useful. From these survey input sheets, you can find out what men would like to do and how God is calling them to serve in the ministry.

Word of Mouth 

This is the best possible way to “advertise” the Men’s Ministry! As men (and their families) are positively impacted and see their lives changing, they will talk up the ministry and encourage others to participate. 

Talk Up the Men’s Ministry

(1) Left-click on the underlined phrase to open another article in a different tab with more explanation.

(2) This article adapted from the works of:

  • Beach Road Baptist Church Men’s Ministry, Southport, NC – Mel Cornillaud
  • Success that Matters – Pat Morley
  • Building Brothers – Dan Shaffer
  • Drawing Men to God – Sid Woodruff
  • UnveilinGlory – Bob Sjogren

(3) Adapted from The Preacher and Prayer by E.M. Bounds

Hal has taught the Bible for over three decades. Through an interdenominational ministry dedicated to helping the local church build men for Jesus, Hal trained men, the leaders of men’s ministries, and provided pulpit supply. Before that, he was a Men’s Ministry Leader and an Adult Bible Fellowship teacher of a seventy-five-member class at a denominational megachurch. Presently, Hal desires to honor Jesus Christ through this Internet teaching ministry, thereby glorifying the Heavenly Father in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. He believes, second to cultivating his relationship with God, that raising his family unto the Lord is the most significant task for him while on Earth. Furthermore, Hal believes that being a successful leader in the church or workplace is no substitute for failing to be a successful leader at home. 

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