• It matters who your mama is-blog by Melanie Newton

    It Matters Who Your Mama Is

    The Lord has allowed me to be a mother for almost 50 years. Knowing how so many struggle with infertility, I am truly grateful. And my heart’s desire from the first day was that I would be a godly mother, passing along a love for the Lord and His Word to my children. That would be my legacy that they would remember when I go to be with Jesus. I know from experience that it matters who your mama is. The Legacy of a Godly Mama My mama loved Jesus and His people. She jumped in to serve in her local church wherever she was needed — nursery coordinator, Sunday School director,…

  • Engage

    God’s Steadfast Love (2 Chronicles 34-36)

    Do you have some stiff-necked people in your life? You and I might give up on them, but God does not. His steadfast love is still wooing those who need to know Him or need to know Him better. When we respond to His love, He renews our hearts and gives us the best He has planned for our future. God’s steadfast love for us woos us to reboot and renew our faith as needed. Josiah is our example. I already knew that the ending of 2 Chronicles would be sad. People of Judah and Jerusalem would be taken captive to Babylon, the city ravaged, and the Temple destroyed. But,…

  • Engage

    Old Testament Disciplemaking (2 Chronicles 17-20)

    Have Christians who really love God been strong influences in your life? How have they helped you to stay faithful to God in the midst of a culture that wants to rip you away from your faith? When we know the stories of faithful believers in our great God, even with their faults, we can counterbalance our culture’s attempts to distort our view of ourselves as Christians by belittling our past. But that requires a commitment to follow God and intentionally teach the next generation about the true heritage of those who walked with God before them. That is what King Jehoshaphat did. Ever since first being introduced to Jehoshaphat…