Linger means to be slow in parting or in quitting something and tarry means to linger in expectation. These 2 words have taken on new and impacting significance to me lately. I was impressed how Mary Magdalene saw the Lord as she lingered at the tomb (John 20:11-18). Mary not only saw the risen Lord, but she was sent on the crucial mission to go tell the disciples. Mary’s lingering at Jesus’s tomb brought new insights and joy to her soul. John provides another example of someone who lingered. It seems that John wrote the Gospel of John; 1, 2, 3 John; and Revelation in the 90’s A.D. Which means…
Declaring God’s glory
Psalm 96:1–13 is part of the lectionary readings for the twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, which is October 18th. This ode is a royal hymn that celebrates God’s universal reign. The song seems to have been composed for use in public worship, most likely in the Jerusalem temple. The fact that it is quoted almost entirely in 1 Chronicles 16 points to its Davidic character and origin. The Septuagint version of the hymn also links it to him. The historical context included David bringing the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem to unite the religious and political life of the nation. Specifically, Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, set…
The Tabernacle of Moses – God’s Heavenly Pattern for our Spiritual Transformation – Part V: The Most Holy Place
THE HOLY OF HOLIES The Outer Court of the Tabernacle, as viewed by someone approaching it, would appear as a privacy fence fifty cubits (3) (72.9 ft/22.3m) wide by one hundred cubits (145.8 ft/44.5m) long by five cubits (7.3 ft/2.3m) high made of fine (i.e., with a high thread count per inch) white linen supported by bronze posts (twenty on the long sides and ten on the short sides) with bronze bases and silver caps on top (Exodus 27:9-15). Also, there were silver hooks on the posts for attaching the linen and bronze stakes for cords to support the posts on both sides (Exodus 27:17-19).