• Heartprints

    “Embracing God When You Want To Run”

    Spring is a time for new flowers, budding trees, green grass, sunshine, insects, and yes, snakes.  Snakes out already? You bet…as temperatures start to climb those dreadful reptiles come out of hibernation and begin to enjoy the greater outdoors.  I realize that some snakes are considered good, but for me, I have never been one to stick around when I see one.  Instead, I become the fastest sprint runner on the track, leaving everyone behind. A few weeks ago, I was walking in our pasture with our grandsons enjoying the warm sunny Kansas day. As we walked, our conversation centered around God’s creation marveling at the beauty He has given us.  As we walked, we…

  • Heartprints

    Teaching Children Safety in Relationships.

    A child doesn’t have to be burned to learn that fire is dangerous. It’s not necessary to be hit by a car to learn that a street is not a safe place to play. Children need consistent reinforcement of truth to learn it. For most children, this will be enough to shape their thinking and influence their actions.   While they are very young we take them by the hand moving them out of danger while reinforcing with our words, “It’s hot, don’t touch it or it will burn you. It is dangerous to go into the street. That is a no! This is a yes.” Our actions and words influence…