Fill Your Tank in the New Year
Of all the book titles I have encountered, Daniel Handlers, “A Series of Unfortunate Events,” has by far felt the most relatable to me. At times, on the more eventful days, it is painful to reflect on just how chaotic the day can be! Recently, in the midst of the chaos of the Christmas season once such day stood out to me. In the course of 24 hours I had attempted to cram every good and right thing in. In the spirit of fitting it all in, I woke up early determined to exercise, like a good girl. The only downside to this plan was that I had stayed up…
A Christian Perspective on Including Exercise in New Year’s Resolutions
Exercise is one of the top New Year’s resolutions. Many people want to exercise more. But what are the benefits of exercise? How should a Christian view exercise? An article from the Mayo Clinic provided 7 benefits of regular exercise[1]: Controls weight Combats health conditions and diseases (anxiety, arthritis, high blood pressure, cancer, cognitive function, depression, Type 2 diabetes, falls, metabolic syndrome, and stroke) Improves mood (exercise stimulates various brain chemicals that can cause less anxiety, more relaxation, and happiness) Boosts energy (exercise delivers nutrients and oxygen to tissues and aids the cardiovascular system’s efficiency) Promotes better sleep Puts the spark back into your sex life Can be fun ……
When God Shows Off
For the past several years I’ve been challenged to grow in my understanding of grace. John Ortberg says it’s “the flow of God’s power and presence and favor in your life, moment by moment, that enables you to do whatever it is God has for you to do.” So what does God’s grace look like when it is released in our puny little human lives? I got another taste of it recently. My dear friend Ricky Chelette of Living Hope Ministries and I were privileged to speak at conferences in three Australian cities on a redemptive view of homosexuality, ministering to strugglers, their parents, and ministry workers. The first leg…