Rejection – Satan’s First Strategy for Your Destruction – Part II
Rejection is an act of throwing away or discarding someone or something. This innately implies a lack of value. We begin to feel that we have no value as we experience an overwhelming sense of worthlessness, of being swept aside. Perhaps most significantly, rejection is the act of being denied love. We feel unwanted and unwelcome!
3 Ways God Delivers Us From Dismay
Be not dismayed, for I am your God Isaiah 41:10 As we start 2018 we are focusing on God’s special role through us as leaders. We tend to think what we do determines what we achieve for Him and forget that what He wants us to do is beyond anything we can do apart from His enablement So as we begin 2018 we aim to transform our fear into freedom, our inferiority into confidence, and our emptiness into God’s fullness for us as leaders. Last week we focused on the sense of God’s presence that delivers us from fear. Today we turn to our dependence on God’s power…
2018: Year of God’s Presence
Fear not, for I am with you Isaiah 41:10 Over the next several weeks as we start 2018 I plan to look at God’s special role for us as leaders. Often we become so focused on what we must do to succeed that we forget what He does through us so we can succeed. Many times we become so gripped by the fear of failure or anger over our inferiority that we lose confidence and become discouraged. So at the beginning of 2018 our aim is to transform our fear into freedom, our inferiority into confidence, and our emptiness into God’s fullness for us as leaders. Today’s blog…
How do you overcome fear?
It’s the call in the middle of the night, or a child’s cry from a bad dream. It is the unexplained noise in the next room or the tornado siren in middle of the day. It’s the screeching brakes of the car behind you and the growling dog in front of you. It is the uncertainty of a detrimental diagnosis or the certainty of the impending layoff. It can be a spider on the wall or the words, “I don’t love you anymore and we are out of time.” It is a part of betrayal, injustice, potential pain and letting go of a loved one. It’s the unknown, imagined, known…