Taking the Long Way Home
Three weeks ago our family packed all of our belongings into the largest U-Haul we could rent and said goodbye to the only place we’d ever called home. We are certain God has called us to this new place, but driving away from all you’ve known is still hard. The last little league games, school days, and best friend goodbyes are bittersweet. Excitement mixes with sorrow as we embark on a new journey—a new way home. In the car driving away, minutes turn into hours. You remember all you’re leaving behind in the rearview mirror. You day dream about what lies ahead in a new place. You follow the twists…
Our Path to Purpose
What do Aristotle, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Bono of U2 have in common? They joined the many sojourners throughout history who have pursued transcendent purpose in life. As we journey through life, where would our path take us if we set our compass toward purpose-filled life?
The Hundred-Mile Wilderness Adventure
Over the years, my husband and I have had many adventures backpacking in many different terrains and altitudes. This summer we had the opportunity to backpack through the Hundred-Mile Wilderness in Maine at the northern end of the Appalachian Trail. Although we have hiked in various terrain, this adventure was the most challenging. We were grateful to be able to hike it and finish injury-free (besides some bruises, a few blisters, and swollen feet)! When you’re backpacking for a length of time, there is plenty of time to contemplate God and life. This time was no exception. Being in God’s creation brought several lessons regarding my relationship with God and…