• Engage

    The Boss of Busyness

    Carpool lines. Community group. Sports practice. Service Projects. Work deadlines. Worship service. As much as we long for a break from our endless to dos, there’s something about busyness we often crave. Why else do we check our phone too many times on a day off? Our use our precious little free time to scroll through social media? Sometimes we’re just curious. Sometimes we need a mindless way to unwind. But sometimes we simply don’t know what to do with the stillness. Most days I wait until the late hours of the evening to pause. In one of these rare, quite moments I began thinking about the busyness. Conviction quickly…

  • Engage

    Slowing Down

    A cool breeze skips through the air. The sun says goodbye a little sooner. The grass beneath my feet slows its sprouting, inviting me to do the same. I’ve resisted the call for far too long. When the world shutdown earlier this year, and everyone talked about slowing down, I couldn’t figure out how. Life seemed to speed up within my four walls even as life shut down around us. My little ones needed more attention than ever as all their activities paused. My work intensified as my husband and I juggled Zoom meetings and endless interruptions. Even grocery shopping grew stressful as I scoured multiple online stores each week…