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    Teaching Children to Live Love

    Obedience is one of the universal things that both parents and teachers seek to produce in children. As Christians obedience done with a wrong motive may look like obedience to us but it falls short. When it comes to obeying God, the heart attitude is as important as the action. A simple observation of their actions will not be enough to prove Biblical obedience. Sometimes a child gets it right by accident. They didn’t intentionally decide to obey but circumstances were such that without thinking about it they chose the right action. There are children who obey for fear of the punishment and with resentment in their heart. Other children…

  • Heartprints

    What A Day!!!

    This is the day the Lord has brought about.  We will be happy and rejoice in it.  Psalm 118:24 NET   Have you ever had one of those days when rejoicing in the Lord is not in your heart and far from your mind?   Last night you did not sleep.  You woke up at midnight sick and spent most of your sleeping time in the bathroom.  As you quickly ran to the bathroom, due to a gurgling stomach, you stubbed your toe on the bed, tripped over the laundry basket of folded clothes, and almost stepped on the dog who was asleep by the bathroom door.  Once there you realized…