Does God Prefer Elephants or Donkeys?
I remember a pastor making jokes from the pulpit about Christians who were democrats. According to him being a republican was akin to being a Christian. I laughed nervously as the congregation nodded in agreement. But this just didn’t sit right with me. How could man, being finite and flawed suppose that the will of God was fully represented by either side of the political spectrum? The idea that we can fit the God of the universe into our political system is counter to the very nature of God. Isaiah 55:8-9 summarizes the transcendence of God, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares…
The Tapeworm Gallery: To the Republic for Which it Stands
Five more days and I’m giddy like a high school cheerleader who just made a C+ on an Algebra test. Can’t wait to see the outcome of months of campaigning—and decades of moral decay. I have found the debates more entertaining than a pastor getting busted for child porn. And now it’s down to two skunks competing in a pissing match. I haven’t enjoyed a US presidential campaign this much since 1860. A little division goes a long way. But don’t fret. I’m not. Because this time…I win either way. Never mind the issues. A presidential candidate cannot possess both good and bad…